SQL Diagnostic Manager allows you to customize your monitored SQL Server properties within PowerShell.

With PowerShell you can:

To use SQL Diagnostic Manager snapin, you have to enable the provider and register the SQLdm drive.

Edit general settings

Edit the general settings of your monitored SQL Server with the following PowerShell commands:

Associate tags to a server

Disassociate tags from a server


Schedule data collection

ScheduledCollectionIntervalMinutes -DatabaseStatisticsIntervalMinutes 

Enable extended data collection

ExtendedSessionDataCollection 1

Disable extended data collection

ExtendedSessionDataCollection 0

Set SQL Authentication credentials

Credential sa

Set Windows  Authentication credentials


Enable encrypt connection

EncryptConnection 1

Disable encrypt connection

EncryptConnection 0

Enable Trust server certificates

TrustServerCertificates 1 

Disable Trust server certificates

TrustServerCertificates 0

Edit query monitor settings

 Customize the query monitor settings of your monitor SQL Server with the following PowerShell commands:


Enable query monitoring


Disable query monitoring


Capture SQL batches

QMCaptureBatches 1

Capture SQL  statements

QMCaptureStatements 1

Capture stored procedure and triggers

QMCaptureProcs 1

Setup Threshold -Duration


Setup Threshold -Logical disk reads


Setup Threshold -CPU Usage


Setup Threshold -Physical disk writes


Exclude applications, databases and SQL text within PowerShell

 Exclude applications, databases, and SQL text with the following PowerShell commands:


Exclude applications


Exclude databases


Exclude SQL text


Disable replication collection

Disable replication statistics collection with the following PowerShell command:

ReplicationStatisticsDataCollection 0

Customize table statistics collection

 Customize table statistics collection with the following PowerShell commands: 

QTStartTime -QTDays -QTReorgMinTableSizeK -QTExcludedDatabases

Customize maintenance mode settings

Customize maintenance mode settings with the following PowerShell commands:

Maintenance mode optionsCmdlets

Until further notice


Recurring every week at the specified time

MModeStartTime -MModeDuration

Occurring once at the specified time

MMOnce -MModeStartDate -MModeEndDate

PowerShell allows you to set up several properties in one command-line. On the PowerShell window, use Set-SQLdmMonitoredInstance followed by the corresponding cmdlets of the properties you want to edit. For example, consider the properties listed below:

  • Enable Query Monitoring
  • Capture Batches
  • No capture procedures
  • Set Query duration at 200 (ms)
  • Set Logical disk reads at 20
  • Set CPU usage at 100
  • Set Physical disk writes at 10
  • Exclude Application: MyExcludedApp
  • Exclude Databases: DB1, DB2, and DB3

You can customize these settings with the following PowerShell command-line:

Set-SQLdmMonitoredInstance -Path (Escape-SQLdmName -Name QA- Name Server\Instance) -QMEnabled -QMCaptureBatches 1 –QMCaptureProc 0 -QMQueryDuration 200
-QMLogicalDiskReads 20 -QMCpuUsage 100 -QMPhysicalDiskWrites 10 -QMExcludedApps MyExcludedApp -QMExcludedDatabases DB1,DB2,DB3



SQL Diagnostic Manager identifies and resolves SQL Server performance problems before they happen. Learn more > >
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