SQL Diagnostic Manager provides the following new features and fixed issues.

10.5 New Features

10.5 Fixed Issues


The Alert Suppression settings for the Availability Group Synchronization Health metric now functions as expected.

Alert Summary for the Blocking Session Wait Time (Seconds) metric is not displaying time using the local time zone.

The alerts "SQL Server Agent unable to monitor" and "WMI service is unavailable" are no longer triggered when the monitored servers are successfully connected to the WMI service.


SQL Diagnostic Manager is no longer prompting an error when performing an Analysis, which was caused by the Prescriptive Service not installing "TracerX.Logger.dlll" file.

History Browser is no longer used for Prescriptive Analytics with the revised interface.

SQL Diagnostic Manager now successfully completes analysis and the results are displayed as expected.

Web Console

The SQL Diagnostic Manager Web Console correctly displays the statuses of monitored instance.

The SQL Diagnostic Manager Web Console now correctly honors the Application Security settings that is configured in the SQL Diagnostic Manager Desktop Console.

The IDERA Dashboard now correctly displays the federation drop down menu.


The 'Days since last backup' metric no longer generates alerts for databases that have never been backed up

The PowerShell now correctly works when the $AlertText is used for the Blocked Sessions Wait Time (Seconds).

When configuring the "Oldest Open Transaction" metric, SQL Diagnostic Manager now correctly saves the exclusion filter value when wildcards are used.

Desktop Console

Improved the performance of the SQL Diagnostic Manager Desktop Client when updating properties of a monitored SQL Server instance.

Index rebuilding operation in SQLDM desktop console now correctly works and is no longer displaying errors.


The Deadlock Report now correctly displays all the information about the deadlocks occurred in the monitored instances.

The error "Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints" is no longer displaying when running the "Detailed Session Report".

The Deadlock Report now correctly shows the total number of deadlocks.

The Database Statistics report no longer encounters a timeout error when generating the report.

The Detailed Session Report now successfully deploys to SSRS.


When monitoring a SQL Server instance using a privilege minimized user, Query Monitor and Wait Statistics collection will now resume upon a restart of the SQL Diagnostic Manager services.

The SQLDM Management Service no longer crashes when a server has been registered as a Linux instance.

SQL Server supported versions

SQL Diagnostic Manager now correctly monitors SQL Server 2000 instances.

SQLDM now correctly monitors SQL Server 2005 instances.

The error "SQL Agent unable to monitor" is no longer prompting when monitoring instances running specific SQL Server versions.


SQLDM now correctly shows the OS memory usage on the newly added servers.


The "Error interpreting File Activity Collector: Invalid column name 'unused_size'" error is no longer displaying after upgrading to SQLDM 10.3.

The SQLDM desktop console now correctly works after an upgrade to 10.3.1 version.

Sysadmin Permissions

SQL Diagnostic Manager no longer generates an error message indicating that sysadmin rights are required in order to collect OS Metrics.


SQLDM now correctly refreshes the Mirroring history of a database.

Query Waits

The refresh error when navigating in the Query Waits screen is no longer displaying.


SQL Diagnostic Manager is no longer generating an error related to Procedure Cache when monitoring Azure SQL Database.

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