Profiling supports the following DBMS platforms:

The following describe how to set up a platform to utilize Optimizer on supported database platforms:

Configuring IBM DB/2 for Windows, Unix, and Linux

The connected profiling user should be a member of the DB2 SYSMON group. 

By default, DB2 Monitor flags are set to OFF. As a result, when attempting to launch a Profile job on a DB2 data source, users may encounter the following message: "One or more errors have occurred that prevent session profiling against this data source." Examine the details below and consult your data source administrator and/or the data source documentation to resolve the problem(s)." 

You can resolve this error using one of two methods:

To resolve the error through DBArtisan

  1. Ensure the following DB2 Monitor Flags are turned on in DB2:
      • dft_mon_uow
      • dft_mon_stmt 
      • dft_mon_lock 
      • dft_mon_bufpool 
      • dft_mon_sort 
      • dft_mon_table 
      • dft_mon_timestamp 
    You can set view and set Monitor Flags via DBArtisan. Ensure that the New Value field for each variable is set to Yes, as shown below. 
  2. Restart the DB2 data source to enable the changes, then launch SQL Query Tuner and begin profiling. 

To resolve the error through the command line

This solution must be performed from DB2 CLP, on the DB2 server. If you attempt to perform these tasks through a client, an error message results.

  1. Navigate to Start > Programs > IBM DB2/COMMAND LINE TOOLS > COMMAND LINE PROCESSOR.
  2. Turn the monitor switches on using the following commands:
    db2 update dbm cfg using dft_mon_lock on dft_mon_bufpool on dft_mon_sort on dft_mon_stmt on dft_mon_table on timestamp on dft_mon_uow on db2stop db2start
  3. Ensure that the switches are turned on by connecting to the server with the following command:
    Db2 connect to database username password password
    The following screenshot provides an example of the input and output from the server: 

Configuring Microsoft SQL Server

Perform the following tasks to ensure that SQL Server is compatible with Optimizer:

Configuring Oracle

Oracle users need access to V$ views. In order to configure Oracle to provide users with these privileges:

Configuring Sybase

Perform the following tasks to ensure that Sybase is compatible with DB Optimizer:

The following options are specific to Sybase 15.0.2 and higher.

Additionally, perform the following tasks, as necessary:

These packages should only be installed by the DBA. 

Profiling enables you to create a set of launch configurations to store the basic properties for each profiling session that you run on a regular basis. A launch configuration enables you to start profiling sessions from a single menu command, rather than re-define configuration parameters each time you want to run one.

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