You create projects to organize and store SQL development files. The purpose of projects is to keep your work-in-progress files organized, as well as maintain a common directory structure when developing code and executing files on registered data sources. Once a file has been developed and is ready for deployment, that file can then be executed on a registered data source.

SQL Project Explorer is used to view and access files. It uses a tree view to display the project as a series of folder directories with a folder labeled with the project name as the parent directory, and with project categories, and associated project files as its children.

All files in an SQL Project project are organized under the following categories:

Physically, the projects and files you create as you work in SQL Query Tuner are stored under the Workspace directory you specified at the prompt when SQL Query Tuner was started. The directory and files can be shared, and other tools can be used to work on the files, outside the SQL Query Tuner development environment.

You can move existing files within a project by clicking and dragging the file you want to move in the Project Explorer from one node to another, or via the File > Move command.