The SQL Safe Agents tab allows you view all servers that host instances in your environment. 
For each server you can see the following information:

How can you filter your information?

You can filter the information of the SQL Safe Agents tab to access your data quickly.

Filter your information by Backup Agent status, Computer name, Backup Agent version, Management Server the Backup Agent if configured for, Max Load range, Priority range, Send Status, VDI Trans.Limit byte range, VDI Buffers byte range, VDI Block Size byte range, and VDI Timeout range.   

When using filters take into account:

  • If you want to select filters first and apply the changes later, unselect the option Apply filter as it changes.
  • To remove filters, use the specific Remove Filter option in each filter. For example, if you want to remove your Instance filters, click Remove Status Filter under the same filter section.
  • Under FILTERED BY on the top section of your SQL Safe Agents tab, you can see the filters you have selected. Click the X icon next to the ones you want to remove.
  • Use the option Clear on the top section of the Filtering section to remove all filters. 


What other options are available on the  SQL Safe Agents tab?

You can also find the following options in the upper section of the SQL Safe Agents tab:

SQL Safe is a high-performance backup and recovery solution for your SQL Servers. Learn more > >
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