If you are unable to login into SQL Enterprise Job Manager after the installation, you can run the following query in the IDERA Core database.

DECLARE @ApplicationId INT

SET @ApplicationId = 3
SET @RoleId = (SELECT AR.ID FROM [Common].[ApplicationRoles] as AR WHERE AR.AppID = 3 AND AR.Name = N'Admin')
SET @UserId = (SELECT TOP 1 US.ID FROM [Common].[Users] as US WHERE US.UserName <> N'ServiceUser' AND US.Active = 1 AND US.UserType = N'U')

INSERT INTO [Common].[ApplicationUsers] ([UserID],[ApplicationID]) VALUES (@UserId,@ApplicationId)
INSERT INTO [Common].[ApplicationUserRoles]([UserID],[AppID],[RoleID]) VALUES (@UserId ,@ApplicationId , @RoleId)

SQL Enterprise Job Manager monitors and manages your SQL Server agent jobs. Learn more > >
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