IDERA SQL Inventory Manager provides fundamental information on your SQL Servers to help you manage and keep track of your database environment without having to be an expert in Microsoft SQL Server.  It gives a broad enterprise-wide view of all your SQL Servers through automated discovery as well as simple, actionable information about the state of your environment. View core information such as how many databases exist, whether they are being backed up, get access to options like availability monitoring, and notification emails so you can take action as needed. 

IDERA strives to ensure our products provide quality solutions for your SQL Server needs. If you need further assistance with any issue, please contact Technical Support.

The following issues are known in this version of SQL Inventory Manager:

Because of the addition of roles, all user accounts in a previous version of the product are added to the IDERA Dashboard but are not assigned a role and cannot access SQL Inventory Manager until the administrator changes the account permissions. Note that the administrator is the account specified during the IDERA Dashboard installation.

To change user account permissions, go to IDERA Dashboard > Administration > Manage Users. Edit a user account. Select the SQL Inventory Manager product, and then assign a role of Product Administrator, Product User, or Product Guest. Click Save, and then repeat these steps for each user account.

Now grant the user accounts access to the instances in your environment. Go to SQL Inventory Manager > Administration > Manage Users. Click the link for the name of the user account. In the Access to SQL Server Instances section of the Edit Users window, select whether you want to grant the user account access to all instances or a selection of instances. If you want to grant access to only selected instances, choose those instances using wither the tag or instance name. Click Save.

For more information about user accounts and roles, see Managing users in the IDERA Dashboard.

Known issues in version 2.2

No longer supports repositories on SQL Server 2005

SQL Inventory Manager 2.2 and later no longer support the use of SQL Server 2005 as a repository. The product does continue to support discovered and managed instances on SQL Server 2005.

Installation and upgrade issues

IDERA Dashboard issues

Discovery issues

Monitoring issues

Browser issues

Performance issues

Reporting issues


Previous known issues

Installation and upgrade issues

IDERA Dashboard issues

Discovery issues

Monitoring issues

User Account issues



SQL Inventory Manager lets you discover and visualize your SQL Server environment. Learn more > >
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