The following issues are known in this version of IDERA SQL Inventory Manager:

Because of the addition of roles, all user accounts in a previous version of the product are added to the IDERA Dashboard but are not assigned a role and cannot access IDERA SQL Inventory Manager until the administrator changes the account permissions. Note that the administrator is the account specified during the IDERA Dashboard installation.

To change user account permissions, go to IDERA Dashboard > Administration > Manage Users. Edit a user account. Select the IDERA SQL Inventory Manager product, and then assign a role of Product Administrator, Product User, or Product Guest. Click Save, and then repeat these steps for each user account.

Now grant the user accounts access to the instances in your environment. Go to SQL Inventory Manager > Administration > Manage Users. Click the link for the name of the user account. In the Access to SQL Server Instances section of the Edit Users window, select whether you want to grant the user account access to all instances or a selection of instances. If you want to grant access to only selected instances, choose those instances using whether the tag or instance name. Click Save.

For more information about user accounts and roles, see Managing users in the IDERA Dashboard.

Known issues in version 2.6.1

VM Configuration

After adding the connection credentials inside the VM Configuration window, an "Error message is failed to connect. Check credentials and try again." warning triggers once you select the Test option. This feature is currently under development and a fix will be included in a future release.

Known issues in version 2.6

PDF reports
When you export information as PDF from the Explorer view, filtered by Instance Count, Database Count, Data Size (MB), Log Size (MB), Activity (trans/sec), DB on Availability Group, or Physical Servers, you will notice that it includes hidden columns. This happens because the PDF reports are exported directly through databases calls.

Advanced Filter options
When you create a filter with the Advanced Filter option, and edit this filter renaming it with an existing filter name, the UI will only display one. Any further editions performed will not be save nor reflected. To avoid this issue you must delete the edited filter and create a new one.

Edition information for Azure SQL Servers
The Instances tab does not display the Edition information of the Azure SQL Servers. To access the Edition details, you can go to the SQL Server Management Studio and run the query select @@version on the instance you choose.

Private type instances
When the Instance Type is Private on the Discovered Instances view, the Instance Type will change to Virtual on the Managed by Instances view, once you register it.

Missing Alert message in Health Checks
When you go to Manage Health Checks in the Administration view, use the Configure options to edit the Volume at Risk alerts, select an instance, and choose a drive from the Excluded Drives drop down which is not present in the selected instance, SIM 2.6 does not display the Alert message that should be generated.

Incorrect instance type for AWS EC2
When you add an AWS EC2 instance with DNS for region us-east-1, SIM 2.6 displays the type of the instance as Private. To avoid this issue, please contact Technical Support.

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