Xml configuration file allows you to specify all data compare options and settings. Even though some settings can be set via command line switches, we recommend you specify them in the xml file.

With the xml configuration file you can:

The xml file groups the comparison options into the following sections:



Contains the source and target database (or schema).
Data Compare Options
Contains the data compare options.
Table Mapping Rules
Contains the rules that determine how database tables are mapped.
View Mapping Rules
Contains the rules that determine how database views are mapped.
Table Pairs
Contains the pairs of tables that should be mapped manually or pairs that should be excluded.
View Pairs
Contains the pairs of views that should be mapped manually or pairs that should be excluded.
Command Line Settings
Contains additional data compare settings.

 A typical xml configuration file has the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<DataCompareCmdConfig xmlns="http://www.idera.com/oracle/schemas/datacompare/cmd.xsd">
          <ConnectionName>Oracle Schema 1</ConnectionName>
          <ConnectionName>Oracle Schema 2</ConnectionName>

You can run the command line with a xml configuration file as follows:

Idera.OracleDataCmd <config.xml>

You can validate an xml file as follows:

Idera.OracleDataCmd <config.xml> /v

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