You can create a new tuning job via the File > New > Tuning Job command, or by importing statements directly from profiling. The New Tuning Job icon is also available on the Toolbar.
To create a new tuning job via the Menu or Icon command
Select File > New > Tuning Job, or click the New Tuning Job icon on the Toolbar. Tuning opens.
You can now proceed to set up the parameters of the new job.
To create a new tuning job from profiling
After you have run a profiling session, in profiling's Profiling Details tab, select one or more statements, right-click, and select Tune from the context menu. Tuning opens, pre- populated with parameters based on the statements you selected.
To open an existing tuning job
Navigate to the SQL Project tab and double-click the name of the existing tuning job.
To name a job, save it
Ensure you specify a meaningful name that identifies the job in other views and dialogs. You can save the job by selecting File > Save or File > Save All from the Menu bar. Once a job is saved, it is added to the SQL Project view.