SQL Enterprise Job Manager supports authentication between internal services, this feature is disabled by default. You can enable/disable security, making the following changes in the configuration files:


Go to the IDERACoreServices.exe.config file available at: %installationfolder%\IDERA\SQL\Enterprise Job Manager Core\IDERACoreServices.exe.config  

Change <value>false</value> to true to enable authentication. 

<setting name="EnableSecurity" serializeAs="String">



SQL Enterprise Job Manager

Go to the SQLEnterpriseJobManagerService.exe.config file available at: %installationfolder%\IDERA\SQL\Enterprise Job Manager\CollectionService\SQLEnterpriseJobManagerService.exe.config.

Change <value>false</value> to true to enable authentication.


    <add key="EnabledSecurity" value="true"/>

UI: web.properties 

This feature is enabled by default, to change it, go to  %installationfolder%\ IDERA\SQL\Enterprise Job Manager\WebApplication\IDERA-main\conf\web.properties

Change "EnableAuthenticationForRest = true" to false to disable authentication. 

If you change the configuration files, you need to restart the services.

SQL Enterprise Job Manager monitors and manages your SQL Server agent jobs. Learn more > >
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