You can filter the information displayed on your calendar view to see more specific information. On the left side of your Schedule tab, you can find the filtering section where you can filter jobs and tasks by:

If your Job name has [ ] characters, replace them with the underscore "_" character so that SQL Enterprise Job Manager does not take them as wildcards and the alert rule is triggered correctly.

On the Filters section, you can disable the option Apply filter as it changes to make your filter selections first and apply the changes later.

How do you save filters?

You can save your preferred filtering options by typing a name in Filter Name and clicking Save. Once you save your filter, you can retrieve it by selecting the respective name from the drop-down filters options available at the top of the filter section.  

How do you remove filters?

You can remove filters by following these options:


SQL Enterprise Job Manager monitors and manages your SQL Server agent jobs. Learn more > >
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