Additional Features


A new table showing the comparison across containers has been added in the Applications tab in the Oracle tier Dashboard tab similar to tables for Programs. This view is not available when the Oracle instance is part of an application that contains J2EE tier.

Current Tab

Container information has been added to tables in the current tab to show current and active sessions corresponding to each container.

Activity Tab

A new Containers node has been added to the Precise for Oracle activity tab tree view that allows drill-down by containers.

A new Containers option has been added to the Precise for Oracle activity tab table view that allows association by containers.

Filtering by containers is supported both in tree view and table view.

Imports statement, new statement, etc. support statements in a container.

Objects Tab

Additional association to containers has been introduced. This allows drill-down to a container.

All views show data across containers, with a Container column indicating the container to which the row corresponds to. If the user has drilled down to a container, only data filtered to the container is shown.


Tune, Recommend, and What-If statements in a container are supported.


    1. In the Admin Point Registry Editor, go to Admin.
    2. Expand to the following location:
    3. Under the tuner tag, add the following parameter:
    4. Click Save, and then click Update All Focals.
    5. Restart Precise for Oracle FocalPoint.