Virtual Database (VDB) is a powerful solution that allows you to mount SQL Server backup files and query them like real databases. Virtual Database allows you to gain instant access to data in your backup file saving on time and storage.

Any operation that you can perform on a physical database can be performed on a virtual database. Likewise, applications that rely on getting information from this database can continue using the virtual version. You can also access this virtual database using Microsoft SQL Server tools, such as Management Studio, and other third-party applications.

You can modify the data and objects in the virtual database. However, because the virtual database is based on archived data, your changes will not persist when you detach the virtual database. To preserve your changes, backup the modified virtual database and then create a new virtual database using those backup files.

How do you mount a Virtual Database?

The SQL Safe Virtual Database Wizard guides you through the steps required to mount a Virtual Database.

Access the SQL Safe Virtual Database Wizard from the following paths:

To get started with the SQL Safe Virtual Database Wizard, follow the steps:

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