

Icon size

Note icon size (small or large).

Display state

This determines how notes are grouped in the diagram. Select one of the following options:

  • All - Each note is a node in the diagram.
  • Group per note category - Multiple nodes in the diagram and each node contains notes grouped by note category.
  • Grouped - Single node in the diagram that contains all notes.


Select the category checkbox to display all notes (with the note category) in the diagram for an entity. If the checkbox is not selected, notes (with the note category) will not be displayed for an entity even though you have created notes for an entity.


Select the category checkbox to display all notes (with the note category) in the diagram for an attribute. If the checkbox is not selected, notes (with the note category) will not be displayed for an attribute even though you have created notes for an attribute.


Use the settings that follow to configure which of the defined note categories are displayed for entities and attributes.

  • No labels