These settings enable you to set the default templates to use for the update routines of load and export objects associated with the selected connection. To set the default routine templates for table types other than Loads and Exports please refer to the Object Subtypes section.

  • Default Load Script Templates can be set in the source connection Properties tab.
  • DDL Templates can be set in the Target Settings tab of the target connection.
  • The settings in the Routine Templates tab and Object Subtype Maintenance tab are used in deploying applications into RED via the REDCLI command 'object generate-routine'. Refer to Dedicated Command Line Interface (REDCLI) for details.
  • The Routine Template defaults can also be set using REDCLI, for example:
    RedCli>connection set-default-template --con-name "MyTargetConnection" --obj-type "Load" --obj-sub-type "Load" --op-type "PostLoad" --tem-name "post_load_template"

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