The Event Viewer shows information about events that occurred during certain processes in WhereScape 3D.
When the event viewer is opened from the Tools menu, it shows all events currently in the event log.

  1. If WhereScape 3D has just been started, it will be empty.
  2. After performing some actions such as discovery and profiling, events start to display on the viewer.
  3. The event viewer shows new events as soon as they occur. If it gets full, it can be cleared by clicking the Clear events button.
  4. If a lot of events are coming in too fast they can be suspended by selecting the Suspend refreshing events button. When this is unselected the event viewer will instantly update to show all events that have occurred since it was suspended. This may cause some older events to disappear, if the event log size limit has been reached.


    The Clear events button is disabled when refreshing events is suspended.

  5. Events can also be filtered out based on their category. In the example below, all events have been selected.
  6. The Filter section enables you to filter out events, based on the text in their Title, Message or Details fields depending on the check-boxes selected. If Case sensitive is selected, the filtering is case sensitive.
  7. In the example below, only events with the text 'attribute' in their Title, Message, or Details fields are showing on the viewer.
  8. The settings for the event viewer can be selected or changed, under Appearance in the general settings from the Tools menu.
  • 'Max event history' is the maximum number of events that will be seen in the event viewer. As events are stored in memory, the number of events being stored becomes high. This can adversely affect performance so the settings also show a rough approximation of how much memory the selected number of events is likely to consume.
  • 'Date format', 'Time format' and show milliseconds are basic options to customize how the date and time each event occurred is displayed in the table and text area of the event viewer.
  • No labels