When you decide to stop auditing a virtual SQL Server instance, use the following procedure to remove your configuration settings and uninstall the SQL Compliance Agent.

To stop auditing the virtual SQL Server:

  1. Use the Microsoft Cluster Administrator tool to remove the registered generic service you created for the SQL Compliance Agent Service. You can perform this task on any node of the cluster hosting the virtual SQL Server instance.
  2. Use the Cluster Configuration Console window to remove the SQL Compliance Agent Service. This action deletes the SQL Compliance Agent Service. Be sure to perform this task on each node of the cluster hosting the virtual SQL Server instance.
  3. Use Add/Remove Programs to uninstall the Cluster Configuration Console and the SQL Compliance Agent. You must perform this task on each node of the cluster hosting the virtual SQL Server instance.
  4. Use the Management Console to remove the registered SQL Server instance.

SQL Compliance Manager monitor, audit and alert on SQL user activity and data changes.
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