The Model Conversion Rules are summarized in the following table.  Click the link to access further details about each model conversion rule.



Add Artificial Key

Copies the surrogate attribute from the PK entity into the FK entity of each matched relationship. Generates an index for the created attribute.

Add Attribute

Creates an attribute in each matched entity.

Add Attribute Extended Property

Adds an extended property to an attribute.

Add Attributes From Source Entities

Copies matched attributes into matched entities based on the entity's source mappings. Optionally removes attribute types from and/or assigns attribute types to the copied attributes.

Add Data Transformation

Adds a data transformation for each matched attribute to each matched entity.

Add Entity

Creates an entity with zero or more attributes.

Add Entity Extended Property

Adds an extended property to an attribute.

Add Relationship

Creates relationships between the matched attribute pairs in the matched entity pairs.

Add Relationships from Source Models

Copies any missing relationships that exist between the source entities of the matched entities, and optionally assigns relationship types to them.

Add Source Mappings from FKs

Creates source mappings for attributes in the matched entities from the matched relationships. Optionally removes the relationships, effectively converting the relationship to a source mapping.

Apply Data Type Mappings

Applies data type mappings over the given model.

Assign Attribute Type

Change the attribute types assigned to the matched attributes.

Assign Entities to Group

Assigns entities to the group.

Assign Entity Type

Changes the entity types assigned to the matched entities.

Assign Query Template

Set the query template for matched entities.

Assign Relationship Type

Change the relationship types assigned to the matched relationships.

Assign Schema

Set the schema for all matched entities.

Assign Target Location

Assigns a target location to all matched entities.

Change Attribute Properties

Modifies the properties of an attribute.

Change Entity Icon

Change the entity icon of all matched entities.

Change Entity Properties

This rule modifies the properties of an entity. There is a single property that hides or unhides the entity now.

Collapse Source Mappings

For each matched entity, copies the source mapping(s) from the sourced entity or attribute's source mapping to the specified depth, or removes all source mappings from the entity.

Convert Case

For each matched entity, the rule converts the casing of the value in each of the selected fields to upper or lower case.

Convert Entity Subtypes

Converts the matched entity subtype relationships to either a relational relationship or by merging of the parents and their subtypes.

Copy Attribute Within Entity

For each matched entity, duplicate matched attribute within the entity.

Copy Attributes

Copies matched attributes from one entity to another.

Copy Entities

Creates copies of all matched entities and allows keeping or redirecting their source mapping lineage.

Create Group

Creates a group for the model and assigns the matched entities to it.

Create Index

Creates an index on each matched entity.

Create View

Creates a view for each matched entity, and either creates source mappings from the view to the entity or replaces the entity with the view.

Delete Attribute Extended Properties

Deletes the matched attribute's extended properties in each matched attribute.

Delete Attribute Source Mappings

Deletes the matched attribute source mappings from each matched attribute.

Delete Attributes

Deletes all matched attributes from each matched entity.

Delete Data Transformations

Deletes the data transformations on the matched attributes of each matched entity.

Delete Entities

Deletes all matched entities and optionally all foreign key attributes referencing them.

Delete Entity Extended Properties

Deletes the matched entity's extended properties in each matched entity.

Delete Entity Source Mappings

Deletes the matched entity source mappings on each matched entity. Does not affect the attribute source mappings.

Delete Group

Deletes a group from the model. Name of the group is defined using a template.

Delete Indexes

Deletes all matched indexes on each matched entity.

Delete Relationship

Deletes all matched relationships between any matched FK entity and any matched PK entity.

Delete Source Set

Deletes all matched source sets on each matched entity.

Delete Schema

Removes the schema from all matched entities.

Enforce Naming Standards

Renames entity or attribute names or labels to a defined business standard.

Flip Relationship Direction

Enables you to flip the direction of a matched relationship.

Generate Entity DDL

Run and apply a DDL template against a matched entity.

Merge Any Type of Entity

For each matched relationship, merge the PK and FK entities together.

Merge Entities by Source Mappings

Merge all matched entities that share similar source mappings into a single entity.

Merge Related Entities

Merge all matched entities into a single entity.

Merge Source Mapping Sets

Enables you to handle merging multiple source mapping sets within a matched entity.

Populate Entity Queries

Generates a query or DW query for each matched entity.

Redirect Attribute Source Mappings

Change the source mappings on each matched attribute, either to align with the source mappings on the entity, or to point to a matched attribute in the same source system.

Redirect Entity Source Mappings

Change the source mappings on each matched entity, either to align with the source mappings on the attributes in the entity, or to point to a matched entity in the same source system.

Remove Entities from Group

Removes entities from the group.

Rename Attribute

Changes the matched attributes' names or labels.

Rename Entity

Change the matched entities' names or labels.

Rename Group

Renames a group for the model. Name of the group is defined using a template.

Rename Schema

Renames the schema on each matched entity.

Reorder Attributes

For each matched entity, this rule changes the order that its attributes are presented.


A rule used to support separating, grouping or specifying a description of the next set of rules.

Set attribute comment

Sets the comment of the matched attributes.

Set attribute user documentation

Enables you to define user documentation for an attribute on any matched subjects.

Set entity comment

Sets the comment of the matched entity.

Set entity user documentation

Enables you to define user documentation for an entity on any matched subjects.

Set load table properties

Allows the values of load table properties to be manipulated.

Set query join type

Allows query join types to be set.

Set relationship comment

Enables you to add a comment to a relationship.

Set relationship user documentation

Enables you to define user documentation for a relationship on any matched subjects.

Split Entities

Splits each matched entity into two moving the matched attributes to the new entity. The new entity has a relationship to the original it has an attribute with the PK property set.

Split Entities (Advanced)

Similar to the Split Entities rule, this Advanced version combines multiple Split Entities rules that have the same matching and general entity creation properties, while allowing the user to define each new entity's moved attributes.

Split Entities per Source Entity

Splits each matched entity into; an entity with attributes that have no source mappings; and an entity for each sourced entity with the attributes that have source mappings to that entity.

Split Entities Per Source Mapping Set

Enables you to split entities by their source mapping sets.

Split Relationships

Converts each matched relationship into an aggregate entity that has copies of the attributes that the original relationship was between and creates relationships between these attributes and the original relationship attributes.


Uses a template to validate the state of models.

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