If any model conversion in the repository references any of the relationship types that were renamed in the previous step, you then need to update them to continue to use them.
To do this:

  1. Click to rename the selected relationship type. The Renamed relationship type dialog is displayed.
  2. Select a Model conversion and then select a Resolution from the list.


    Options in the Resolution pane vary depending on if the model conversion was created by the user or was supplied with WhereScape 3D



    Do not change

    Select to make no changes made to the current model conversion.

    Add type

    Select this option to add the new renamed relationship type to the selected model conversion.

    Replace type

    Select this option to replace the relationship type with the new relationship type (renamed) for the selected model conversion.

    Copy model conversion

    Select this option to make a copy of the selected model conversion and replace with the new relationship type (renamed). When you select this option, no changes are applied to the selected model conversion.

    Show category model conversions

    Select the checkbox to display category model conversions.

    Set all to:

    Do not change

    Select to make no changes to all the listed model conversions.

    Copy model conversion

    Select to make a copy of all the model conversion and replace with the new relationship type (renamed). When you select this option, no changes are applied to the selected model conversions.

  3. Click Next.
  4. On the Entity types in model conversion dialog, enter new names for the copied model conversions.
  5. Click Next>.
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