2.0.7 : Sybase IQ returns (null) datatype on some queries which causes the ADS Query Window to hang. Fixed
RAW datatype in Oracle were not displayed correctly. Fixed
2.0.6 : Passwords larger then 23 characters failed to encrypt. Fixed.
2.0.5 : Mounting a directory with files that didn't have extensions caused a stack dump. Fixed.
2.0.4 : Removed AS keyword from Sybase specific code so that the Sybase connections work with Sybase 11.9. Sybase 11.9 does not support this keyword
2.0.3 : Converted LEFT JOINS to TABLE1, TABLE2 join formats in schema queries for Sybase so that it would work for Sybase 11.9. Also, fixed minor bug on field-autocompletion for Sybase.
2.0.2 : Changed Font of the Grid Table to Courier New, so that it displays Chinese Characters.
2.0.1 : Fixed: Generic-JDBC - Auto-Completion - Some generic jdbc drivers did not auto-complete on columns, such as ODBC-Access. Now Fixed.
--- Start 2.0 ---
Database Support
1. Added support for TDS5.5/jConnect5.5 for Sybase
2. Added support for JDBC-OCI driver for Oracle
Query Analyzer
1. Changed "Run" text to "Execute" text
2. Mapped F5 key to "Execute". CTRL-E and F5 both execute the current script
3. Added "Execute Current" (Statment) mapped to CTRL-ENTER hot key. This will execute the statement the cursor is located on.
4. Added "To Upper" and "To Lower" commands to allow user to quickly convert the highlighted text to upper or lower case.
4. Changed hot-key for "Cancel" to Ctrl-Backspace. (Ctrl-Pause never worked :))
5. Added option to allow user to specify the max number of rows fetched per resultset
6. Added ability to set the Auto-commit to ON or OFF
7. Added ability to 'Commit' and 'Rollback' a transaction from each connection window
8. Added ability to set the Autocompletion to ON or OFF
9. Added ability to set the "Auto on all Schemas" feature, which allows the ability to query for a tables columns across all schemas not just the current one.
10. Ability to refresh the autocompletion cached schema in case the user changes the schema structure
11. Ability to do a Find in the text results of a query. Set focus on the results panel and then hit Ctrl-F and the find dialog will prompt for the text to search the results
12. Ctrl-D for auto describe now describes all the tables for the current query and shouldn't need the user to highlight the table
1. Added "Describe" and "SQL Prediction" to the query menu
2. Added "New Server Group" and "Delete Server Group" to server menu
1. Button tooltips also display the hot-key for that actions ( e.g. Execute (Ctrl-E) )
Options Dialog
1. Default Values a. AutoCompletion, Auto on all Schemas, AutoCommit, Max Results
2. Scripts: Ability to specifing filter for scripts (.sql, .proc)
Script Browser
1. Scripts displayed are now configured according to the extesions defined in the Option Dialog
1. Added filter for Scripts (defined in the options dialog) in the Open Script and Save Script file chooser dialog boxes
1. Removed Shell Scripts (.sh) from Windows installation
2. Updated Shell Scripts for Linux, Solaris and OSX
Script Engine
1. Ability to print out binary data in HEX format in SELECT statements
Schema Browser
1. Added parameter folder for Oracle stored procedures and functions.
2. Changed query for Oracle sessions to query on v$session instead of v_$session
Generic JDBC
1. Added support for AutoCompletion on tables and columns. The AutoCompletion only queries on the current database and schema.
2. Added the ability to load drivers dynamically by specifying the driver jars at registration
Server Properties
1. Made database server properties editable.
2. Server Properties is editable even a child node of the server is selected.
Bug/Feature: Optimized the Encryption/Decryption of passwords to speed up the expansion of Server Groups in the schema browser