Scripts are very similar in their operations to Procedures. Some key differences are as follows:

  • If a script is deleted, it is only removed from the metadata. However, because WhereScape RED never stores the script on the host system, this removes the script permanently.
  • Unix scripts, Windows CMD scripts, Windows PowerShell Scripts, and User Defined Host Script Languages are available on Load objects.
  • Unix scripts, Windows Scripts, and User Defined Host Script Languages are available on all table object types, where the table is stored in a custom database target and when using a Windows scheduler.
  • The table object needs to specify the connection appropriate for the script (typically Windows or Unix).

Referencing other scripts at run-time:

Scripts stored in your RED Metadata can be referenced from other Scripts at run-time using token replacement. This feature is only available on Custom Target Database types on SQL Server Metadata Repositories.

Token replacement format


Replacement process at run-time

RED and RED Windows Scheduler parse the script for script reference tokens and if the script name is found in the metadata then it is written to the work directory and the token is replaced in the script with the full path to the script file before execution.

Example PowerShell use case

Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName "$WSL_SCRIPT_WslPowerShellCommon_CODE$" -DisableNameChecking
Following is an example of the menu displayed when you right-click a script object.

WhereScape RED supports the use of keyboard shortcuts—the underlined letter of a menu option. For example, pressing P opens the Properties window of the selected table, pressing D deletes the script metadata, etc. Ensure that the Windows > Control Panel > Ease of Access setting associated with keyboard shortcuts is enabled, to display keyboard shortcuts in RED. Refer to the relevant MS Windows documentation for details.

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