Chart Options for Aqua Data Studio contain a complete set of variables and values to alter the chart as needed, including background color, chart title, label distance, axis titles, category axis number format, and much more. Series Options (Advanced Chart Options) information is presented at the bottom of this page. It is possible to search the chart options using the field at the top left of the Chart Options Dialog. Any matching text found in an option section ( Format, Title, Axes, etc.,) option name or option description gets highlighted in the section and bold, to make it easy to locate where your search term has been found.


  • Use 2D View: Display charts in 2D.
  • Fit Chart to Image: Automatically resize the chart to fit the image area. This operation locks the rotate/pan/zoom controls and the chartWidth/chartHeight properties.
  • Lighting: Lighting technique. (Default, Bright, Dark, Ambient)
  • Opacity: Determines the opacity of the chart, 1 being opaque and .0 being transparent.
  • Theme: Color themes control the background gradient colors, pre-series colors, and font colors.


  • Label Font: Display label chart font.
  • Title Font: Display title chart font.
  • Legend Font Size: Sets the size of the Legend text.
  • Series Font Size: Sets the size of the Series text.
  • Category Font Size: Sets the size of the Category text.
  • Value Font Size: Sets the size of the Value text.
  • Title Font Size: Sets the size of the Title text.
  • Axis Title Font Size: Sets the size of the Axis Title text.
  • Data Label Font Size: Sets the size of the Data Label text.
  • Title Color: Chart title color.
  • Data Label Color: Color for Data Labels which appear at each data point.
  • Value Axis Label Color: Color for labels along the Value Axis.
  • Value Axis Title Color: Color for the Value Axis title.
  • Category Axis Label Color: Color for labels along the Category Axis.
  • Category Axis Title Color: Color for the Category Axis Title.
  • Series Axis Label Color: Color for labels along the Series Axis.
  • Series Axis Title Color: Color for the Series Axis Title.
  • Background Top Color: Background gradient top color.
  • Background Bottom Color: Background gradient bottom color.


  • Chart Title: Display the chart title.
  • Chart Title Position: Sets the Chart Title position.
  • Value Axis Title: Display the value axis title.
  • Category Axis Title: Display the category axis title.
  • Use Title Margin: Place the Title inside a margin.
  • Use Axis Title Margin: Place the Axis Titles inside a margin. This option is only applicable to 2D charts.
  • Is Axis Title On Edge: Place the Category and Value Axis Titles on the edges of the image.


  • Show Grid: Show / Hide chart grid.
  • Fill Grid: Enables/disables a Grid Fill color.
  • Fill Grid Color: Sets the color of the Grid Fill.
  • Grid Opacity: Value from 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the transparency of the chart grid.
  • Grid Line Width: Sets the size of Grid Lines.
  • Merge Series Axes: Merge all series axes into a single axis.
  • Show Data Labels: Enables/disables Data Labels.
  • Show Value Axis: Show / Hide value axis.
  • Show Value Axis Grid Lines: Show/Hide Value Axis grid lines.
  • Show Value Axis Tick Marks: Show/Hide tick marks.
  • Reverse Value Axis: Reverses the value axis.
  • Value Axis Number Format: Specify the format for numbers displayed on the value axis.
  • Show Category Axis: Show / Hide category axis.
  • Show Category Axis Grid Lines: Show/hide category axis grid lines.
  • Show Category Axis Tick Marks: Show/hide tick marks.
  • Category Axis Number Format: Specify the format for numbers displayed on the category axis.
  • Category Axis Date & Time Format: Specify the format for dates & time displayed on the category axis.
  • Category Axis Data Format: Specify the format for dates.
  • Category Axis Time Format: Specify the format for time.
  • Category Axis Label Length: Specify the maximum number of characters to display for labels on the Category Axis.
  • Numeric Category Axis: Plot data along the category axis using a numeric or date-time range.
  • Show Series Axis: Show/hide series axis.
  • Series Axis Number Format: Specify the format for numbers displayed in the series axis.
  • Series Axis Date & Time Format: Specify the format for dates and times displayed in the series axis.
  • Series Axis Date Format: Specify the format for dates in the series axis.
  • Series Axis Time Format: Specify the format for times displayed in the series axis.
  • Series Label Text Length: Specify the maximum number of characters to display for labels on the series axis.


  • Line Width: Width of lines in the line chart.
  • Show Markers: Show markers at the location of the data point.


  • Display Stack as Percentage: Display stacked values as a percentage of the total.


  • Group Pie Small Values: Group small pie chart values into a single slice.
  • Group Pie Small Values Percentage Threshold: Group small pie chart values using the specified threshold.
  • Explode Pie Chart: Separates the pie chart by the specified amount of space.
  • Explode Top N Slices: Explode the top N pie slices, starting with the largest slice and continuing in descending order.
  • Show Pie Lines: Show lines connecting the pie pieces and labels.
  • Show Pie Values: Show value for each pie slice.
  • Pie Label Distance: Specify the distance between the pie chart pieces and their labels.


  • Show Map Background: Shows a global map image behind the chart.
  • Show Country Details: Displays population, currency, and area in square miles within a tooltip on hover over a nation.
  • Map Ranges: Determines the numeric ranges for use with highlight colors.
  • Map Ranges Colors: Determines the colors used for specific ranges.


  • Show Fixed Category Count: Show the top categories of data in the chart.
  • Fixed Category Count: Specify the number of categories to display in the chart.
  • Category Range Start: Display only the categories and values after the specified row (inclusive.)
  • Category Range End: Display only the categories and values before the specified row (inclusive.)
  • Width: Maximum width of the chart.
  • Height: Maximum height of the chart.
  • Depth: Maximum depth of the chart.
  • Category Spacing: The category spacing.
  • Series Spacing: The series spacing.


  • Show Legend: Show / Hide legend in chart.
  • Show Legend Border: Show/Hide the Legend border.
  • Legend Position: Position of legend on chart panel.
  • Legend Height Type: Specify if legend is stretched vertically, fits the items or uses the exact height.
  • Legend Height: Specify exact height of legend panel.
  • Legend Width Type: Specify if legend is stretched horizontally, fits the items, or uses the exact width.
  • Legend Width: Specify exact width of legend panel.
  • Use Legend Margin: Place the Legend inside a margin.

Series Options (Advanced Options)

In the Series Options ( Advanced Options ), you have the ability to add and remove virtual function series. For more on the Function Series capabilities and their use, see the Function Series page. Other advanced options include the following:

All Series

  • Minimum Value of Merged Series: Minimum value displayed on the merged data axis of all series.
  • Maximum Value of Merged Series: Maximum value displayed on the merged data axis of all series.

Series 0

  • Minimum Value:  Minimum value displayed on the merged data axis of all series.
  • Maximum Value: Maximum value displayed on the data axis of a single series.
  • Series Name: Series name.
  • Show Data Labels: Show/Hide Labels on each data point for this series.
  • Series Color: Series color.
  • High Low Close Value Type: Indicates whether this series contains the high, low, or close values.
  • Bubble Value Type: Indicates whether this series contains the position or size values.
  • Candlestick Value Type: Indicates whether this series contains the high, low, or close values.
  • Column Shape Type: Indicates the shape used to render columns.
  • Function: Select the function used to generate data for this series.
  • Function Parameters: Specify the function parameters as a comma-separated list of values.
  • Show Function MetaData: Show function metadata (e.g. linear regression slope and Y-intercept.)

  • No labels