An example of the Scheduler screen is shown below.

Toolbar/Jobs menu

Quick access to some job categories is in the toolbar. The complete options are listed under the Jobs menu and while most are self-explanatory they are described below:



Job  Name Filter

Lists the jobs whose names match the filter supplied. This filter only works as an appended filter to the main filter selected under Jobs, e.g. first enter a filter for Job Name Filter or select a filter from the drop-down list; and then choose your main filter under Jobs—e.g. All Jobs, Scheduled Jobs, etc.

All jobs

Lists all jobs in the middle pane


Lists the jobs that are waiting to run or are on hold.


Lists the jobs that are running and those that have failed.

My Jobs

Lists the jobs you have scheduled or have run.


Lists the jobs you have scheduled for today.

Last 24 hours

Lists the jobs that have run or started to run during the last 24 hours.

Prior 24 hours

Lists the jobs that ran during the previous 24 hours.

This Weeks Jobs

Lists the jobs that have run or are scheduled to run during the current week

Last Weeks Jobs

Lists the jobs that ran during the last week.

Recent log entries

Displays the Audit and Scheduler log which details the audit trail information of a task/job.

Scheduler status

Lists all schedulers and displays their current status. The status is updated every few minutes, and a right menu option enables the polling of a scheduler for status, and the termination of a scheduler.

Top pane

The top pane shows the details of the jobs. Information covers:



Job name

The name given to the job when created.


The status of the job. Refer to the following section for the various status values.


This is a unique number assigned to each job iteration and job. If you enter a new job, it acquires a new sequence number. In normal daily processing when no new jobs have been created, sequence numbers will be sequential.

Start and Finish times

The start and finish dates and times for the job.

Elapsed time

The time that elapses from start to finish of a job.


These are success messages written to the audit trail.


Informational messages written to the audit trail about the running of the job. 


Lines written to the detail or error logs.


The number of warnings written to the audit trail.


The number of error messages written to the audit trail.


The initials of the person who scheduled the job.

Additional fields can be added via the Tools > Select Job Report Fields option.

Middle pane

The middle pane shows the tasks related to a selected job. Task information available includes:




The object name.


The action to be done to the object.


Status of the task.


This is a unique number assigned to each job iteration and job. If you enter a new job, it acquires a new sequence number. In normal daily processing when no new jobs have been created, sequence numbers will be sequential.

Start and Finish times

As the names suggest, the start and finish dates and times for the task

Elapsed time

The time that elapses from start to finish of a task.


Informational messages written to the audit trail about the running of the job. 


Lines written to the detail or error logs.


The number of warnings written to the audit trail.


Result of the task.

Additional fields can be added via the Tools > Select Task Report Fields option.

Bottom pane

The bottom pane shows the audit trail of a selected task/job. Audit trail information includes:




The object name.


The status of the message.


This is a unique number assigned to each job iteration and job. If you enter a new job, it acquires a new sequence number. In normal daily processing when no new jobs have been created, sequence numbers will be sequential.


Time of message output.


The message.

DB Message

Message from database.


Job relating to this message.

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