The Data characteristics tab of the Entity properties dialog allows you to set characteristics of the data in each attribute to be used when generating sample data. Refer to Generating data for details.



Row size

Row size is the number of rows to be generated.


Select a column from the list to be used when generating sample data.

Data manipulation

Select a data manipulation method from the drop-down list.


Select the type of data from the drop-down list.

Valid values

Enter the valid values in the data (comma separated; for example, US, AKL, UK). Supports valid RFC 4180.

Populate from template

Click to fill in all the details below from a template.


Minimum value

Enter the minimum value of the data.

Maximum value

Enter the maximum value of the data.

Average value

Enter the average value of the data.

Decimal places

Enter the number of decimal places.

Minimum null%

Enter the minimum percentage for null values.

Maximum null %

Enter the maximum percentage for null values.

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