Everything that you see in the Monitors interfaces is defined as JavaScript (JS) objects using Monyog Object Model (MOM) and are editable through a simplified interface from within SQL DM for MySQL.
The SQL DM for MySQL daemon/web server has an embedded JS execution engine. Whenever a request for a report is received by SQL DM for MySQL, a new JS runtime context is created. This runtime compiles and evaluates the JS objects defined by various scripts generated from user input, formats the result, and sends the formatted report to the client. The following sections get into the details of each and every aspect of SQL DM for MySQL JS environment.
Each of the SQL DM for MySQL Advisor rules allows the MySQL DBA to customize the thresholds that are acceptable for specific MySQL servers. As an example, a DBA using the supplied Advisor Rule ''MyISAM Key Cache Misses'' may use lower threshold values for their MySQL servers running OLTP applications, while higher thresholds may be acceptable for OLAP applications.
SQL DM for MySQL customization framework empowers users with the ability to add new advisors, modify existing advisors, and even disable some of the predefined advisors supplied by IDERA.