OLAP Cube Measures
Measures represent the numeric attributes of a fact table that are aggregated, using an OLAP aggregate function defined against each Measure. Each Measure is defined against a Measure Group, which is defined against a cube. The properties of a measure are shown by right clicking a Measure and the selecting Properties.



Cube Name

A Read Only field that indicates against which OLAP Cube the measure is defined.

Measure Name

Specifies the Analysis Services name defined for the measure.

Measure Group

Specifies against which Measure Group the Measure is defined. This is related to the fact table of which the Measure is an attribute.

Update Buttons

The Update Buttons: Update <- and Update -> are used to move from the current Measure to the previous and next Measure respectively for the current OLAP Cube Measure Group. The alternative is to exit the Measure and choose the next Measure Properties screen.

Source Table

A read only field that indicates the fact table that is related to the Measure Group.

Source Column

Specifies from which numeric attribute of the underlying fact table the Measure is built. This is a drop-down list populated from the RED metadata definition of the fact table associated with the Measure Group above.

Data Type

Specifies the data type used by Analysis Services. The data type specified for this property is inherited from the fact table attribute defined in WhereScape RED metadata but can be different (typically a larger data type is used in the cube to cope with the larger numbers generated by aggregating the source data).

Aggregation Method

Specifies the OLAP function used to aggregate measure values. The default options are:

  • Sum
  • Count
  • Distinct Count - only one distinct count is allowed per Measure Group and can have query performance implications.
  • Min - Minimum
  • Max - Maximum

Display Format

Specifies the format used by clients when displaying the measure value.

Null Processing

Specifies the processing null values. Setting this property to Automatic means that Analysis Services uses default behavior.

Order Number

The order in which the measures appear in the cube is dictated by their order number.


Measures are normally visible, but some measures used in calculations may be hidden. In such a case, clear this check box.

Display Folder

Cube Measures can be organized into user-defined folders to view and manage these attributes within the Analysis Services user interface more easily. Enter the display folder name.


One object can be in multiple display folders, for example:


A description of the measure which is stored in the cube. This description by default is acquired from the source column.

To View measures

The measures can be viewed by clicking an OLAP Cube in the left pane, which displays the measures in the middle pane.

To Add a New Measure

To add a new measure, view the measures in the middle pane, right-click in the middle pane and select add measure. This can also be done when viewing measure groups in the middle pane. Alternatively to create measure which is very similar to an existing measure, view the measures in the middle pane and right-click, select Copy Measure. The same dialog box appears as for Add Measure with most of the fields filled in. Notice that the measure name has the suffix "- Copy". Change the name in the Measure Name field and make any other alterations and then click OK.

To Delete a measure

Display the measures in the middle pane, select the measure to delete, right-click and select Delete.

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