Calculations provide the ability to define the derivation of a value at query time within a cube. The calculation is most typically a numeric derivation based on measures, but can be defined against any dimension. The calculation is defined in MDX (Multi-Dimensional eXpressions). The definition of a Calculation is shown by right-clicking a Calculation and choosing Properties. The following Cube Calculated Member Definition window is displayed:



Cube Name

A Read Only field that indicates against which OLAP Cube the Calculation is defined.

Calculated Member Name

Specifies the Analysis Services name defined for the Calculation.

Update Buttons

The Update Buttons: Update <- and Update -> are used to move from the current Calculation to the previous and next Calculation respectively for the current OLAP Cube. The alternative is to exit the Calculation and choose the next Calculation Properties screen.


A business description of the Calculation that is used to populate WhereScape RED documentation.


Specifies the MDX expression that defines the calculation.

Parent Hierarchy

Specifies where the calculation is displayed for use. By default, and in most cases, this will be 'Measures'. This means that the calculated member is displayed to the end user of the cube as a measure, otherwise known as a calculated measure. Alternatively, you can include the calculated member in a dimension instead of in the measures. Hierarchies are descriptive categories of a dimension by which the measures in a cube can be separated for analysis. A calculated member provides a new label in the parent dimension you select.

Parent Member

This is not available if you select Measures as your parent hierarchy, or if you select a one-level hierarchy. Hierarchies are divided into levels that contain members. Each member produces a heading in the cube. While browsing a cube, users can drill down to subordinate headings. The heading for the calculated member is added directly below the selected Parent Member.

Associated Measure Group

Specifies against which Measure Group the Measure is defined. This is related to the fact table of which the Measure is an attribute.


SSAS 2008+ uses the property Associated Measure Group but previous versions of SSAS do not and can result in errors when creating the cube. It is possible to set this attribute in RED to (Undefined) for previous versions of RED, but this is not necessary for the current version of RED as this attribute will only be used when appropriate.

Display Folder

Cube Calculations can be organized into user-defined folders to view and manage these attributes within the Analysis Services user interface more easily. Enter the display folder name.


One object can be in multiple display folders, for example:

Display Format

Specifies the format used by clients when displaying the measure value.


Specifies whether the calculation is visible to client tools.

Non Empty Behavior

Determines the non-empty behavior associated with the calculation.

Order Number

The create order of the member in the dimension hierarchy.

To View Calculations

To view the list of calculations (sometimes called a calculated measure), right-click the OLAP Cube in the left pane and then select Display Calculations.

To Add a Calculation

  1. To add a calculation, right-click the OLAP Cube in the left pane, select Add Calculation and then choose between:
    • Add Calculated Member
    • Add Named Set
    • Add Script
    This can also be achieved by displaying calculations in the middle pane, right-clicking and selecting Add Calculated Member, Add Named Set or Add Script. Fill out the dialog box with the relevant details.
  2. To create a calculation that is similar to an existing calculation, display the calculations in the middle pane and select Copy Calculation. The same dialog box appears as for Add Calculation with most of the fields filled in. Notice that the calculated member name has the suffix "- Copy". Change the name in the Measure Name field and make any other alterations and then click OK.

To Delete a calculation

Display the calculations in the middle pane, select the calculation to delete, right-click and select Delete.

  • No labels