
This screen is not applicable to Extensible Source Connections.


When browsing to a Connection, leave the schema field blank to see all schemas. To make RED browse a specific schema or schemas by default, go to a Connection's properties screen and enter the schema(s) to browse on the Default Schema for Browsing field.

To change the properties of the connection in the Browser pane:

  • Right-click a connection in the Objects list pane and select Browse Connection
  • Alternatively, click the drop-down arrow next to one of the Browser buttons on the toolbar and select Change Connection.

The List Source Tables Connection window is displayed:
This window enables you to change the properties of the connection you are browsing.
The User ID and Password fields can be changed in order to browse the connection as a different user.
A TDWallet string can be supplied as the password by selecting the Password is TDWallet string check box (this option only displayed in Teradata environments).
Selecting the Include Rowcount check-box displays a row count in brackets next to each source table in the Browser pane. This is only available for databases which update table statistics.


For Custom database connections, the Include Rowcount option in the List Source Tables Connection screen is only available if the Bulk Table Row Count SQL field in the Connection > Target Settings tab has been defined. Refer to Connection Target Settings for Custom Database for details.

Filter can also be applied when browsing a connection. Filters can be applied to any combination of:

  • One or more Schema names (separated by commas),
  • a standard SQL table name,
  • specific Object Types (Tables, Views or System Objects),
  • a Group, or
  • a Project

The Data Type Mapping Set drop-down can be used to change the data type conversion used during drag and drop operations. If set to (Default), the Data Type Mapping to use for each drag and drop operation is set based on the source and the Target Location selected. However, this can be changed in the Add New Metadata Object window, if required.

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