18.0.19 (since 18.0.18) - September 26, 2017
15464: Bug : ADS : Query Analyzer : Fixed bug where Space Reported via the Detail tab is incorrect for reserved, and unused amounts. Index_size is correct
15460: Bug : ADS : DB - PostgreSQL : Fixed bug where dba tools -> session manager has invalid sql; no column "waiting" anymore
15452: Bug : ADS : Server Registration : Fixed bug where the sqlfilter properties are not preserved
15450: Bug : ADS : DB - Sybase ASE : Fixed bug in Script and Describe of Foreign key extraction when target table resides in different database
15439: Bug : ADS : Open API : Fixed bug where quoted Identifier not generating on TextWriter output
15211: Bug : ADS : FluidShell : Fixed problem with date format when using sqlexport to export to Excel
15354: Bug : ADS : DB - Excel : Fixed problem with date format for View As Spreadsheet
15429: Enhancement : ADS : Open API : Performance improvement: support batch processing on DSTableWriter.write(AQDataReader) and DSTableWriter.write(AQDataSet).
15418: Enhancement : ADS : Query Analyzer - Grid Results : Reduce the minimum spacing in grid results between the aggregation bar & the quick filter
NONE: Bug : ADS : DB - Sybase ASE : Foreign key extraction when target table resides in different database required query fix.
NONE: Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed the backward migration bug Filter card is not displayed if Percentile option is applied on measure field in filter deck
NONE: Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed the backward migration bug for Reference line using perecntile function
NONE: Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed the backward migration bug for per measure data labels
15372 : Bug : ADS : Open API - IO : Fixed the Out of Heap Space exception in iterating / reading through Excel files
15360 : Enhancement : ADS : DB - RedShift : Added support for Zstandard compression encoding in Create Table UI for RedShift
15350 : Enhancement : ADS : DB - PostgreSQL : Added support for JSON and JSONB inserts to Postgres database from AquaScript (with AQTableWriter)
15320 : Bug : ADS : DB - MySQL : Fixed the defect in MySQL Alter Table UI, which left "Scale" in Table properties for Real Datatype
NONE : Bug : ADS : To determine git configuration directory, ignore bash command execution on Windows platform unless explicitly defined in system property
NONE : Bug : ADS : Editor : Fixed the PasteHandler bug, in which pasted lines did not matchup, for Cut and Paste operations
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed the NPE in VA, when user applies trendline and drops measure in the deck same as continuous dimension
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed the Backward migration which was not working for per measure label options other than "show data labels" option
18.0.17 (since 18.0.16) - June 26, 2017
15315 : Bug : ADS : Query Analyzer - Grid Results : Fix java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: TIMESTAMP_FORMAT
NONE : Revert : ADS : Reverted verpatch change. ADS version # now shows 15.0.0 again. The verpatch change caused a "low reputation score" for the ADS binary.
NONE : Enhancement : Visual Analytics : Add backward migration support for Percentile measure aggregation. Percentile measure aggregation will be added in ADS 19.0.
18.0.16 (since 18.0.15) - June 23, 2017
15332 : Bug : ADS : App - General : Fixed the exception, when attempting to change server connection on a read-only file with modified content
15328 : Bug : ADS : App - AquaProjects : Fixed the error on creating a new project from the AquaScript Templates on Windows
15322 : Enhancement : ADS : Open API - General : Added support for additional Runtime.excec() methods to AquaScript Open API
15321 : Bug : ADS : ER Modeler Vertica: Added support for entering Vertica Column comments. Comments wont be scripted in DDL
15316 : Bug : ADS : DB - Sybase ASE : Fixed the Err working with unsigned bigint datatype values
15306 : Bug : ADS : Editor : Fixed the cursor position in Morph To Delimited list
NONE : Enhancement : ADS : Updated version # to 18.0.0 using verpatch utility
NONE : Enhancement : DB - Sybase ASE : Added support for "Include Print Comments" for Sybase ASE
Back to top
18.0.15 (since 18.0.14) - June 19, 2017
15319 : Enhancement : ADS : Tools - ER Modeler : Fixed the Precision and Scale options for Float, Real & Double datatype in the table properties window
13020 : Bug : ADS : DB - MySQL : Precision and Scale options, were disabled in create table visual editor for Float, Double and Decimal datatypes
NONE : Enhancement : Visual Analytics : Introduced new trend line option called "Begin trend with first data point"
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Aggregation label is displayed for Discrete Attribute field in front of asterik(*)
18.0.14 (since 18.0.13) - June 7, 2017
15284 : Bug : ADS : Open API - Data : Fixed the AQDataSet.saveAsExcel2007 method which fails to generate Excel workbook
15284 : Enhancement : ADS : Open API - Data : Added AQDataSet interfaces to specify column color
15282 : Bug : ADS : DB - Oracle : Oracle OCI : Fixed the incorrect driver message, while creating a connection with version 12c_1 and 12c_2
15276 : Bug : ADS : DB - Netezza : Fixed the extraction of database objects, which fails due to casing of string in SQL key words
15259 : Bug : DB - PostgreSQL : Fixed PostgreSQL Trigger extraction and scripting, to display UPDATE OF clause in CREATE TRIGGER
15256 : Enhancement : Q Analyzer : Added a File > Option setting for not restoring database connections upon ADS startup
15101 : Bug : DB - Sybase ASE : Extraction of parameters requires uint, ubigint & usmallint conversion to correctly store the type as unsigned <type>
NONE : Enhancement : ADS : General : Added support to specify a secure storage username in Server Registration dialog
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Dashboard - Fixed a Drag & Drop bug which was causing the dragged container's width to accidentally get reset
18.0.13 (since 18.0.12) - May 26, 2017
15259 : Bug : ADS : DB - PostgreSQL : Fixed the Trigger properties to display UPDATE OF clause in CREATE TRIGGER for PostgreSQL
15255 : Bug : ADS : Editor : Highlighted Text - Click & Drag caused text in Editor to be indented
15254 : Bug : ADS : DB - Netezza : Fixed the incorrect display of Schema name, when Server Properties display property was set to Name only
15244 : Enhancement : Open API - Net : Added jsch logging when initiating an SFTP connection
15240 : Enhancement : DB - BigQuery : Enabled Relationships option in the ER Modeler. The relationships will not be scripted since BigQuery does not support it
15238 : Enhancement : Visual Analytics : Chart Tooltip wording change & Grand Total Label
15214 : Enhancement : Visual Analytics : Added support for an offset space to all reference line text
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Invalid field is removed from filter deck & NPE is fixed when, vizx containing relative date filter is opened in v17, saved & opened in v19
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed the Incorrect color displayed on chart on Undo & redo if retain current colors option is checked
18.0.12 (since 18.0.11) - May 15, 2017
15211 : Bug : ADS : App - FluidShell : Fixed the defect in FluidShell command sqlexport which was exporting time part with Date datatype. Fixed the Timestamp format as well
15210 : Bug : ADS : Editor - Debugger for Sybase : Fixed the issue in the Debugger, which was not working correctly with INT parameters
15209 : Bug : ADS : DB - Sybase ASE : Made modifications to scripting of work tables in Sybase ASE, so that NULLS are not allowed
15205 : Enhancement : Q Analyzer - Grid Results : Added to "Copy As" dialog in Grid Results, new options to [Add enclosures per row] & [Include headers]
15204 : Bug : Q Analyzer - Visual Explain Plan : Fixed the Explain Plan which was generating incomplete Plans when using the "Declare" or "Set" clauses for Sybase ASE
18.0.11 (since 18.0.10) - May 8, 2017
15206 : Enhancement : ADS : Q Analyzer - Auto-Completion : Fixed the Abbreviations > Autocompletion behaviour to mirror v17
15202 : Bug : ADS : DB - MS SQL Server : Fixed the issue in Describe Table for SQL Server which was generating "Error occurred while describing: null..."
15201 : Enhancement : ADS : DB - Informix : Fixed the extraction and scripting of Index Extent Size and Next Size properties
15188 : Enhancement : Visual Analytics : Indicate when query results in VA are truncated by max results
18.0.10 (since 18.0.9) - May 1, 2017
15196 : Bug : ADS : Q Analyzer - Save Results : Fixed the issue in Preview Script tab for Save Results dialog, which generated incorrect Delimiter parameter
15193 : Bug : ADS : Q Analyzer - Aqua Commands : Fixed the Parsing which failed when a parameter value contains a double quote
15192 : Enhancement : Q Analyzer : Display Both Execution Time & Fetch time in Grid Results Tab
15189 : Enhancement : ADS : DB - Teradata : Added support for index partition information extraction and scripting. Fixed in Schema Script Generator also
15163 : Bug : ADS : Q Analyzer : Enhanced Describe output to indicate if object is table, view, or materialized view
15162 : Bug : ADS : Q Analyzer : Updated auto-completion to use materialized view icon for materialized views on Oracle connection
15161 : Bug : ADS : Tools - Export Tool : Convert all line endings from LF to CR+LF setting was not observed by Export Tool. Fixed in Export Tool, FluidShell and Execute Edit
15159 : Bug : ADS : Tools - Compare - Schema : Fixed the issue with the list of tables disappearing from Target Schema on using 'Edit Compare' in schema compare window
15154 : Bug : ADS : Editor : Fixed the issue with asterisk (*) not getting selected on double click on all Editors
NONE : Bug : Editor - Compare or Diff : Fixed the issue with Versioned file failing to commit after the server connection is changed from within the Query Analyzer
NONE : Enhancement : Visual Analytics : Added new Calculated Field Function: Percentile
18.0.9 (since 18.0.8) - April 14, 2017
15144 : Bug : Visual Analytics -> Increased the default size of Edit Query Dialog Window in Visual Analtyics
15140 : Bug : ADS : Editor -> When a .SQL file is opened using Choose Server or Database dialog > Open in Text Editor option, generic SQL Syntax Coloring should be applied.
15138 : Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed Axis Range: Too few tick marks if fixed start is 0 & fixed end is 1
15126 : Enhancement : Visual Analytics : Added support for "Show Measures Values" option in label deck
18.0.18 (since 18.0.17) - July 13, 2017 14830 : Bug : Visual Analytics : Data Model - Data Sources : Fixed the issue with Edit Query dialog which was disabled when attempting to cancel a SQL query
NONE : Bug : ADS : Editor : In certain scenarios, when a version controlled file was edited using an external editor and then viewed / edited in ADS, the file length was calculated incorrectly and could lead to missing fragments towards the end of the file.
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18.0.8 (since 18.0.7) - April 10, 2017
NONE : Bug : ADS : Chart initialization taking too long in certain situations where the temporary directory was located on a network drive. Fix is to no longer extract charting related JOGL files into temporary directory.
NONE : Enhancement : ADS : Added ChartPanel initialization Debug info to Help > View Log
NONE : Bug : ADS : Tools - Compare - Schema : Fixed the Sort order on DB Object_name column in schema compare result tab for Group By -> Type of difference
NONE : Bug : ADS : Tools - Compare - Schema: Fixed the Search in search box, which was not working after a refresh and change Group by option
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed the Indexoutofbounds exception, on applying trend line per color on merged axes chart and if only 1 value is available in chart
18.0.7 (since 18.0.6) - March 31, 2017
15115 : Bug : ADS : Tools - Server Script Gen -> Fixed the Oracle Server Script Generator user permissions to include Object Grants
15107 : Bug : ADS : DB - Hive -> Added partition columns to the end of the list of regular table columns
15106 : Bug : ADS : DB - Oracle -> Added support for scripting indextype clause for index objects
15105 : Bug : ADS : App - Schema Browser -> Schema Tree Database Node will now display SQL Server mirroring information
15104 : Bug : ADS : App - Schema Browser - SQL Server & DB2 -> Dependencies & Referencing object selection enhanced so icons better represent object
15055 : Bug : ADS : Tools - Compare - Schema -> Fixed the issue of Schema compare filter not getting removed after clicking on the Refresh icon
NONE : Bug : Editor - AquaScript Syntax Highlighting -> Fixed the exception when method exceeds the parameter limit
NONE : Bug : Editor - Mongo Autocompletion -> Fixed the warning messages occurring in View Log, when Autocompletion window comes up in MongoJS Editor
NONE : Bug : Schema Compare Tool : Fixed search in entering criteria in search box, which was not working after a Refresh and change Group by option
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed the issue of Reference line not getting displayed for 'Sum' function on Merged Axes, Seperate Scale combo chart
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed the issue of Reference line not getting displayed for Merged Axis for Calculated field of EXPFIT function in row deck
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed the issue of incorrect reference line getting displayed if aggregate measures from analysis menu bar for continuous date field is unchecked
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Reference Band was displayed at incorrect positions, in case of dual axis and table calculation is applied
18.0.6 (since 18.0.5) - March 24, 2017
15101 : Bug : ADS : DB - Sybase ASE -> Fixed the extraction of uint, usmallint and ubigint parameter datatype to its unsigned <int_type> name
15100 : Bug : ADS : DB - SQL Server -> Fixed the letter casing of system catalog tables for extraction queries
15096 : Bug : ADS : DB - DB2 LUW -> Fixed the Dependencies node extraction SQL for IBM DB2 UDB versions 8.2 and below
15091 : Bug : ADS : Q Analyzer - Pivot Grid Results -> Fixed the exception in collapsing and clicking on column header on Pivot Grid result
15090 : Enhancement : ADS : Q Analyzer -> File names to be displayed for a non-connected Query Window when workspace is restored and prompted for password
15077 : Bug : ADS : Editor - Package -> Fixed the issue of Oracle package editor not filling out combobox navigator with all functions, if PIPELINED clause is included
15075 : Bug : ADS : DB - Teradata -> Fixed the extraction and scripting of Tables with Primary Index
15067 : Enhancement : ADS : Schema Tree -> Added a Referenced By node, for schema objects which will help users to quickly access related database objects
14974 : Enhancement : ADS : Q Analyzer - Grid Results -> Introduced File > Option > General > Default Spreadsheet Font option to set the default font for a spreadsheet
14933 : Bug : ADS : App - General -> In a floating window, performing Ctrl+Q now opens the new query analyzer window in the correct tab
NONE : Bug : ADS : Editor Encoding : Removed the ISO-2022-CN and x-JISAutoDetect encoding from File > Option > General > Editor Encoding and from the Editor status bar
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed the incorrect reference line displayed on chart, if table calculation is applied on measure field in case of Merged axes->Shared scale chart
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed the NPE in adding Reference lines in Bar Charts
18.0.5 (since 18.0.4) - March 17, 2017
15079 : Bug : ADS : DB - SQL Server -> Fixed a defect in extraction of parameters, which will now correctly place the parameters in their ordinal order
15076 : Bug : ADS : App - General -> Fixed the issue with Generic Server Connections in Change Server Dialog
15074 : Bug : ADS : Schema Compare -> Fixed the missing "New Compare" feature
15068 : Bug : ADS : DB - Teradata-> Updated the restricted keyword list
NONE : Bug : ADS : Oracle Package Editor needs to get Header content all the time for editing package, even when "Body" tab is selected
NONE : Bug : ADS : Editor : Fixed the issue using Services on Mac. The pasting back of replies did not work previously
NONE : Bug : ADS : Editor : Package Editor gives compile error when focus is in Body tab
NONE : Bug : ADS : Editor - XML : Fixed the exceptions generated on hitting the Enter key in XML Editor
NONE : Bug : ADS : Editor Encoding : Code Folding and Indentation was not persisted on performing 'Convert and Save' operation
NONE : Bug : ADS : Editor - AquaScripts : Fixed the java.lang.StackOverflowError exception on opening file in AquaScripts Editor
NONE : Bug : ADS : Schema Synchronization : Fixed the Table rebuild scripts generation, with column name for "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE TO TIMESTAMP(2) WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE"
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : For merged axes shared scale, Recalculated reference line was not displayed on highlighting data point of second measure field
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : In Table Calculation, 'Summarize value using' field is not persisted if we change 'Summarize Value From' field from right click menu
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Sort icon does not appear near to column header on swapped chart
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Incorrect color is displayed on chart on Undo & redo if retain current colors option is checked
18.0.4 (since 18.0.3) - March 15, 2017
15073 : Bug : ADS : DB - Oracle -> Fixed extraction and scripting of indexes on virtual columns which was expanding the expression instead of column names
15072 : Bug : ADS : DB - SQL Server -> Fixed extraction and scripting of indexes for partitioned tables using 'include' clause
15069 : Bug : ADS : Schema Compare -> NPE on changing the Group By drop down is fixed
NONE : Improvement : ADS : Fix to catch all Throwables if .isValid() method is not supported by a jdbc driver
NONE : Improvement : Editor : Introduced File > Option > General > Editor Encoding (Default) to set default encoding in Editors
NONE : Improvement : Editor : Introduced File > Option > [Editor] > Auto Indent to toggle Auto Indent behavior in Editors
NONE : Bug : ADS : Editor Encoding : Fixed inconsistent behavior for encodings with exclamation mark for an in-memory editor and physical file
NONE : Bug : ADS : Editor Encoding : Fixed the java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when Ctrl+X was pressed on changing file encodings
NONE : Bug : ADS : Editor - File > Open : On performing 'Reload from file system' operation, File was not getting reloaded properly
NONE : Bug : ADS : Schema Sync -> Script was not saved with .sql extension in Deployment tab of Schema Synchronization
NONE : Bug : ADS : Schema Compare -> Searched object is removed from search box after applying the filter on the object
NONE : Bug : ADS : Schema Sync - SQL Server and Sybase ASE -> Fixed the failure in deployment script when the composite key in the table is avoided
NONE : Bug : ADS : Schema Compare -> Added a warning popup if the user moves cursor on State/Type column and then clicks on "Compare Data" icon
NONE : Bug : ADS : Schema Sync -> Fix to handle unchanged constraints/indexes on table changes without table rebuild
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Empty cells of Highlight table chart should not turn grey on highlighting cell
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed exception on Highlight Charts with reference line on merged axes chart, table calculation on measure field & same field is selected from Color legend
18.0.3 (since 18.0.2) - March 10, 2017
15066 : Bug : ADS : DB - Oracle -> Fixed extraction in Dependencies node to include foreign key table
15059 : Bug : ADS : DB2 zOS -> ER Modeler enhanced to include IBM z/OS versions 10,11 and 12
NONE : Improvement : ADS : Update to OS X Java 1.8.0_40
NONE : Bug : AquaScript Project Templates : Fixed the incorrect validation popup on changing AquaScript Templates
NONE : Bug : Editor : Fixed the incorrect File size displayed on status bar
NONE : Bug : Editor : Fixed the incorrect display of Inline Diff Sidebar on 'Right click -> Format Script'
NONE : Bug : XML Editor : Memory was not recovered after repeated open, close actions of a large file within the same editor session
NONE : Bug : Editor : Fixed the exception on Directory Compare : Bulb icon was getting displayed in XML Editor
NONE : Bug : Editor : Fixed the IllegalArgumentException when AquaScripts were closed before code analysis was complete
NONE : Bug : SQL Editor : Undo had an additional step added to it's queue. This was removed in 18.0.3
NONE : Bug : ADS : Schema Sync -> Fixed DB2 - recreate CHECK constraints on column length change
NONE : Bug : ADS : Schema Sync -> Added SQL Server support for datetimeoffset fractional seconds precision
NONE : Bug : ADS : Schema Sync -> Added SQL Server support for time fractional
NONE : Bug : ADS : Schema Sync -> Added SQL Server support for datetime2 data type which was not handled as a precision/scale data type
18.0.2 (since 18.0.1) - March 6, 2017
15058 : Enhancement : ADS : Added IBM DB2 LUW v11.x version string in Server Registrations and in File > Options
15053 : Enhancement : ADS : Script Ignore Policy: Dropdown should shrink on making window small. Modified layout manager for the component
15052 : Bug : App - General: SQL Server -> Fixed scripting of Column Store Index -> WITH options which was scripting blank ()
15051 : Bug : ADS : Tools - Compare - Schema: Fixed exception on hitting CNTRL+C key when Group By option = Type of Difference, during Schema Compare
15050 : Bug : ADS : App - Charts: Fixed Retina Display issue in Mac OSX. Ported fix from Visual Analytics after the JOGL 2.3.2 upgrade
15049 : Bug : ADS : Tools - Compare - Schema: Fixed Script Ignore Policy: Ignore whitespace, empty lines, ignore case showed incorrect differences
15046 : Bug : ADS : Tools - Compare - Schema: Fixed exception on saving Schema Compare Results (HTML) with Group by > No Groups and criteria on Search Filter
NONE : Improvement : ADS : Update to Mac OSX Java 1.8.0_121
NONE : Bug : Editor : Fixed NPE on hitting CTRL+O keys, while query analyzer open was in process
NONE : Bug : Editor : Fixed ADS to preserve BOM in case of preloaded data. ADS was displaying incorrect behavior on File > Open and assigning encoding to another type
NONE : Bug : Editor : XML Tag highlighting was not cleared when content size exceeded code completion limit
NONE : Bug : Editor : Fixed the issue with cursor not changing its location after Undo/Redo operation
NONE : Bug : Editor : Corrected the Option name in the invalid range popup message
NONE : Bug : Editor : Fixed the issue with versioned file, where the Inline Diff Sidebar disappeared after changing case to Upper/Lower case
NONE : Bug : Editor : Added method so that we can programmatically decide if the tab will be added in main tool bar or its side tool bar
NONE : Bug : Editor : SQL editor - Encoding does not display correctly when loading a new file
NONE : Bug : Editor : IF, WHILE, PARTITION keywords was not highlighted after restarting ADS for OS X & Linux OS
NONE : Bug : ADS : Schema Sync -> Fixed scripting to handle unchanged constraints/indexes on table changes without table rebuild
NONE : Bug : ADS : Schema Sync -> Fixed the incorrect deployment script being generated on objects with constraint/index/trigger objects attached
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed the issue on Color mapping, which was not getting restored on Undo operation
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed the NPE on moving Filter field to Color deck
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Color settings are reset to default, on updating calc field expression
18.0.1 - ( New Features since 17.0.x ) - March 1,2017