User defined hierarchies define hierarchical relationships between related dimensional attributes (e.g. Geographical or Time-based attributes). These related attributes are defined as levels within the hierarchy.
To view the properties of a user defined Hierarchy, right-click the Hierarchy and then select Properties.



Dimension Name

A read only field indicating the dimension associated with the attribute relationship.

Internal Hierarchy Name

The name of the hierarchy within WhereScape RED.

Hierarchy Publish Name

The name of the hierarchy as created within Analysis Services.

Hierarchy Description

A business name that is stored in WhereScape RED for documentation and stored in the Analysis Services metadata.

All Member Name

Specifies the name of the member in the All level.

Allow duplicate Names

Indicates whether the members under a common parent can have the same name.

Member Keys Unique

Indicates whether member keys are unique for this hierarchy.


If you are using a version of Analysis Services earlier than service pack 2, the only value allowed for Member Keys Unique is 'NotUnique'. If the value 'Unique' is used, Analysis Services will return an error and the cube will not be created.

Member Names Unique

Indicates whether member names are unique for this hierarchy.

Display Folder

Dimension hierarchies can be organized into user-defined folders to view and manage these attributes within the Analysis Services user interface more easily. Enter the display folder name.


  1. One object can be in multiple display folders, for example:
  2. Dimension Attributes and Dimension Hierarchies have the same display folder drop-down list.

To view User Defined Hierarchies

To view the list of User Defined Hierarchies, right-click on an OLAP Dimension in the left pane and select Display Hierarchies.

To Add a User Defined Hierarchy

To add a User Defined Hierarchy, right-click on an OLAP Dimension in the left pane and select Add Hierarchy. Fill out the dialog box with the relevant details.

To Delete a User Defined Hierarchy

Display the User Defined Hierarchies in the middle pane, select the User Defined Hierarchy to delete, right-click and select Delete.

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