The levels specify the drill path over a set of related attributes. The classic hierarchy levels are Year, Month, Date in a Calendar based hierarchy in the date dimension.
To view the Properties of a user defined Hierarchy Level, right-click a user defined Hierarchy Level and then select Properties.



Dimension Name

A Read-Only field indicating the dimension associated with the attribute relationship.


The User Defined Hierarchy that contains the level.

Level Number

The number of levels from the topmost hierarchy level. These level numbers must start at 1 for the top level and provide continuous numbering to the bottom level.

Internal Level Name

The name of the Level within WhereScape RED.

Level Publish Name

The name of the Level as created within Analysis Services.

Level Description

A business name that is stored in WhereScape RED for documentation and stored in the Analysis Services metadata.

Source Attribute

Specifies the source attribute on which the level is based.

Hide If

Specifies which members are hidden. This property supports ragged hierarchies containing logical gaps between members.

To View User Defined Hierarchy Levels

To view the list of User Defined Hierarchy Levels, right-click the OLAP Dimension in the left pane and then select Display Hierarchy Levels.

To Add a User Defined Hierarchy

  1. To add a User Defined Hierarchy level, right-click the OLAP Dimension in the left pane and then select Add Hierarchy Level. Fill out the dialog box with the relevant details.
  2. Alternatively, right-click the User Defined Hierarchy in the middle pane and then select Add Hierarchy Level. Fill out the dialog box with the relevant details.

To Delete a User Defined Hierarchy Level

Display the User Defined Hierarchy Levels in the middle pane, right-click the User Defined Hierarchy Level and then select Delete.

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