While the type-based selection excludes an entire class of objects, the name-based method allows you to exclude specific objects by name.
To exclude an object by name, use the <ObjectSelection> element of the xml config file and specify one or multiple <Object> elements with the following attributes:
- Schema. Contains the object schema. If not specified, the command line will locate the object by name. We recommend you always specify the schema.
- Name. Contains the object name
- Type. Contains the object type
- Include="true|false". Indicates whether the object should be included or excluded.
The following xml fragment excludes the table employees and the view v_employees:
<Object Schema="dbo" Name="employees" Type="Table" Include="false"/>
<Object Schema="dbo" Name="v_employees" Type="View" Include="false"/>
The following list contains the object type that you can exclude:
- Table
- MemoryTable
- View
- StoredProcedure
- UserDefinedFunction
- UserDefinedDataType
- ClrDataType
- UserDefinedTableType
- XmlSchemaCollection
- Default
- Rule
- Schema
- User
- DatabaseRole
- ApplicationRole
- Certificate
- AsymmetricKey
- SymmetricKey
- PartitionFunction
- PartitionScheme
- FullTextCatalog
- Synonym
- Assembly
- Aggregate
- DatabaseTrigger
- Sequence
- BrokerMessageType
- BrokerContract
- BrokerQueue
- BrokerRoute
- BrokerService
- BrokerRemoteServiceBinding
- BrokerPriority
- FullTextStopList
- SearchPropertyList
- SecurityPolicy
- ColumnMasterKey
- ColumnEncryptionKey
In addition to these types, one macro-type is supported as well:
- None. Excludes all database objects
You can combine the macro-type None with the real types to achieve the desired results. For example, to include a table named employees and exclude all other objects, you could use following xml fragment:
<Object Name="" Type="None" />
<Object Schema="dbo" Name="employees" Type="Table" Include="true"/>
Level-two objects, such as columns, constraints, indexes, triggers, statistics, extended properties, permissions can't be excluded directly. These objects are excluded when the parent object is excluded.
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