WhereScape RED provides the functionality for retrofitting OLAP cubes from Analysis Services.


Before you can retrofit an OLAP cube, you must first retrofit any and all of the OLAP dimensions used by the OLAP cube.

The process to retrofit an OLAP dimension is as follows:

  1. Right-click the OLAP Dimension object heading in the left pane and select New Object.
  2. Enter any name for the object name and click ADD.
  3. Fill the Properties window fields described below:



    Internal Dimension Name

    The name that matches exactly the name of the OLAP Dimension in Analysis Services that you want to retrofit.

    Dimension publish name

    The name for the dimension.

  4. The OLAP Dimension can now be retrofitted by right clicking the object in the left pane and choosing Retrofit Dimension.
  5. Two warning prompts appear. The first warns that the existing information is deleted before being redefined from Analysis Services. Select Yes.
  6. The second prompt warns that retrofitting a dimension will remove the links to cubes in the Metadata. Select Yes.
  7. The results of the retrofit are displayed in the results panel at the bottom of the screen. If it was successful, the new object should now have all the attributes, hierarchies and hierarchy levels (as well as all their properties) as set in Analysis Services. 

Once all the dimensions have been retrofitted, you can retrofit the OLAP Cube. Follow steps 1-6 above to retrofit the OLAP Cube as for the OLAP dimensions. The final dialog is a reminder to only retrofit an OLAP cube once the dimensions used by the cube have been retrofitted. If all relevant dimensions have been retrofitted, select Yes.

Once again, the results of the retrofit are displayed in the results panel at the bottom of the screen. 

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