You can change the comparison options using the following elements:
- <ComparisonOptions> or <SelectedComparisonOptions> Contain the options that should be selected or set to true.
- <ExcludedComparisonOptions> Contains the comparison options that should be excluded or set to false.
The following xml fragment selects the options IgnoreSpacesInDefinition, IgnoreCaseInDefinition, IgnoreDefaultConstraintName and excludes the option StandardizeNameInDefinition. The max transaction size is also set to 65536 bytes:
<SelectedComparisonOptions TransactionSize="65536">
The options you can choose from are predefined and can be one of the following:
- IncludeDependantObjects
- IgnoreSpacesInDefinition
- IgnoreCaseInDefinition
- IgnoreNameInDefinition
- StandardizeNameInDefinition
- CompareAnsiNullsSetting
- CompareQuotedIdentifierSetting
- ComparePartitioning
- CompareDataCompression
- CompareTableChangeTracking
- CompareTableChangeDataCapture
- CompareTableLockEscalation
- IgnorePrimaryKeyName
- CompareIndexPadding
- CompareIndexStatsNoRecompute
- CompareIndexRowLocks
- CompareIndexPageLocks
- CompareIndexColumnOrder
- IgnoreDefaultConstraintName
- IgnoreCheckConstraintName
- CompareColumnOrdinal
- CompareColumnCollation
- CompareIdentity
- CompareIdentitySeed
- CompareIdentityIncrement
- CompareNullability
- IgnoreViewComments
- AlterViewWithDropCreate
- IgnoreProcedureComments
- AlterProcedureWithDropCreate
- IgnoreFunctionComments
- AlterFunctionWithDropCreate
- IgnoreTriggerComments
- CompareUserLogin
- PreventSchemaDrop
- CompareSynonymServer
- CompareSynonymDatabase
- CompareSequenceStartValue
- CompareSequenceMinValue
- CompareSequenceMaxValue
- GenerateTransactionalScript
- GenerateUseDatabaseStatement
- ScriptFileGroup
- ScriptTableChangeTracking
- ScriptTableChangeDataCapture
- ScriptTableLockEscalation
- ScriptConstraintsWithNoCheck
- ScriptDataCompression
- ScriptAnsiNullsSetting
- ScriptQuotedIdentifierSetting
- ScriptAnsiPaddingSetting
- ScriptCollation
- ScriptNewColumnsAsNull
- ScriptFullTextCatalogPath
- ScriptSequenceStartValue
- ScriptSequenceMinValue
- ScriptSequenceMaxValue
- ExecuteTransactionalScript
- LogScriptExecution
- ContinueExecutionOnError
- CompareNotForReplication
- CompareIndexFillFactor
- CompareReplicatedTables
- CompareDiagramObjects
- TransactionSize
- CompareColumnEncryption
- CompareColumnMask
- CompareColumnMasterKeyProvider
- CompareColumnMasterKeyPath
- CompareSystemVersioning
- IgnoreSystemVersioningHistoryTableName
- ScriptColumnEncryption
- ScriptColumnMask
- ScriptSystemVersioning
- DropSystemVersioningHistoryTable
- CompareHashIndexBucketCount
- CompareRemoteDataArchiving
- ScriptRemoteDataArchiving
- ScriptHistoryRemoteDataArchiving
- AbandonRemoteDataWhenDisablingArchiving
Both elements <ComparisonOptions> and <SelectedComparisonOptions> can be used to set the selected comparison options. Use the <SelectedComparisonOptions> element in order to avoid ambiguities.
TransactionSize is the only comparison option that must be set as an attribute of <ComparisonOptions>, <SelectedComparisonOptions>, or <ExcludedComparisonOptions> element. Specify a decimal value that indicates the max size of the schema transaction size in bytes. The default value is 0, which indicates an "unlimited" transaction. Use this option carefully. In most comparison scenarios, the default setting is sufficient.
Total compare from data to schema with IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset. Learn more > >