Key Mapping Options

Key Mappings - The Key Mapping Options allows you to configure new key mapping profiles with new key bindings. This allows you to configure any keystroke to any action. The Key Mapping Options allow creating custom keymaps by copying existing keymaps, then configuring individual shortcut key bindings within a custom keymap.  All custom keymaps may be edited, renamed and deleted. It is possible to add alternate keybinding shortcuts within a custom keymap for the same action. There are two built-in keymaps which cannot be renamed, edited or deleted, but may be copied as the foundation for new custom keymaps:

Default [non-editable]
Emacs [non-editable] 

Key Assist - (Ctrl+Shift+L) The Key Mapping Assistant allows a user to quickly look up an action and find the corresponding key binding.

In order to access key bindings the user may press Help->Key Assist from the menu or the corresponding hot key which will popup a dialog containing a list of categories, actions and corresponding key bindings. The dialog contains a quick filter allowing the user to quickly isolate the exact action he/she is looking for.

Using the button "Edit Keys" from the Key Assist dialog, you may also quickly access the configurable key bindings if you want to edit the current key binding for any action.

Application - Keymappings - Default

Application - Keymappings - Emacs

OSX modifier keys

⌘ (Command key) - On some Apple keyboards, this key also has an Apple logo

^ (Control key)

⌥ (Option key) - "Alt" may also appear on this key

⇧ (Shift key)

⎋ (Escape key)

Application - Keymappings - Default

Windows/Linux/JavaOS X *note on Function keys*

GeneralFile: NewCtrl+N⌘N
GeneralFile: OpenCtrl+O⌘O
GeneralFile: SaveCtrl+S⌘S
GeneralFile: Save AsCtrl+Shift+S⇧⌘S
GeneralFile: Save All

GeneralFile: Save ResultsCtrl+R⌘R
GeneralFile: PrintCtrl+P⌘P
GeneralFile: OptionsCtrl+Comma⌘,
GeneralFile: New Frame WindowCtrl+Alt+N⌥⌘N
GeneralFile: Close WindowAlt+F4⌘Q
GeneralServer: New Server Group

GeneralServer: Register Server CloneShift+Insert⌥⇧↑
GeneralServer: Register ServerInsert⌥↑
GeneralServer: Server PropertiesCtrl+Shift+P⇧⌘P
GeneralServer: ConnectCtrl+Insert⌃⌥↑
GeneralServer: DisconnectCtrl+Delete⌃⌦
GeneralServer: Query AnalyzerCtrl+Q⌃Q
GeneralServer: Query Analyzer CloneCtrl+Shift+Q⌃⇧C
GeneralServer: Query Analyzer Clone with Content

GeneralServer: Query Analyzer WindowCtrl+Shift+W⌃⇧W
GeneralServer: FluidShellCtrl+Shift+F⌃⇧F
GeneralServer: Query BuilderCtrl+Alt+Q⌃⌥Q
GeneralServer: ExecuteF5F5
GeneralServer: DeleteDelete
GeneralQuery: ParseCtrl+Alt+A⌥⌘A
GeneralQuery: ExecuteCtrl+E⌘E
GeneralQuery: Execute CurrentCtrl+Enter⌘↵
GeneralQuery: Execute EditCtrl+Alt+Enter⌥⌘↵
GeneralQuery: Execute ExplainCtrl+Shift+Enter⇧⌘↵
GeneralQuery: StopCtrl+Alt+Backspace⌥⌘⌫
GeneralQuery: DescribeCtrl+D⌘D
GeneralQuery: Auto CommitCtrl+Shift+A⇧⌘A
GeneralQuery: CommitCtrl+Shift+C⇧⌘C
GeneralQuery: RollbackCtrl+Shift+R⇧⌘R
GeneralQuery: ReconnectCtrl+Shift+Insert⌃⌥⇧↑
GeneralQuery: Disconnect

GeneralQuery: Change Server

GeneralQuery: Auto CompleteCtrl+Shift+U⇧⌘U
GeneralQuery: Auto Complete On All SchemasCtrl+Shift+O⇧⌘O
GeneralQuery: Refresh Auto SchemaCtrl+Shift+E⇧⌘E
GeneralQuery: SQL HistoryCtrl+Alt+H⌃⌥H
GeneralQuery: Show TextAlt+F7⌘F7
GeneralQuery: Show Text HistoryAlt+F8⌘F8
GeneralQuery: Show DBMS_OUTPUTAlt+F9⌘F9
GeneralQuery: Show Form

GeneralQuery: Show GridAlt+F10⌘F10
GeneralQuery: Show Explain PlanAlt+F11⌘F11
GeneralQuery: Show Client StatsAlt+F12⌘F12
GeneralQuery: Show Pivot Table

GeneralAutomate: Introduce INSERT StmtCtrl+Alt+I⌥⌘I
GeneralAutomate: Introduce UPDATE StmtCtrl+Alt+U⌥⌘U
GeneralAutomate: Introduce DELETE StmtCtrl+Alt+D⌥⌘E
GeneralAutomate: Introduce SELECT StmtCtrl+Alt+S⌥⌘S
GeneralAutomate: Introduce ColumnsCtrl+Alt+C⌥⌘C
GeneralAutomate: Introduce Qualified ColumnsCtrl+Alt+X⌥⌘X
GeneralAutomate: Introduce Value StubsCtrl+Alt+V⌥⌘V
GeneralAutomate: Comment StatementCtrl+Alt+Slash⌥⌘/
GeneralAutomate: // Comment LineCtrl+Slash⌘/
GeneralAutomate: -- Comment LineCtrl+Minus ⌘-
GeneralAutomate: /* Comment BlockCtrl+Shift+Slash⌃⇧/
GeneralAutomate: Morph to Upper CaseCtrl+Alt+P⌥⌘P
GeneralAutomate: Morph to Lower CaseCtrl+Alt+L⌥⌘L
GeneralAutomate: Morph to Delimited ListCtrl+Alt+O⌃⌥O
GeneralAutomate: Format Current StatementCtrl+B⌘B
GeneralAutomate: Format ScriptCtrl+Shift+B⇧⌘B
GeneralTools: Import Tool

GeneralTools: Export Tool

GeneralTools: Script Generator

GeneralTools: Server Script Generator

GeneralTools: ER Diagram Generator

GeneralTools: Schema Compare

GeneralTools: Tab Compare

GeneralTools: File Compare

GeneralTools: Dir Compare

GeneralTools: Results CompareCtrl+Shift+K⇧⌘K
GeneralTools: Copy CompareCtrl+Shift+D⇧⌘D
GeneralTools: Explain Whiteboard

GeneralTools: Execution Monitor

GeneralTools: Connection Monitor

GeneralWindow: MultiTab/SplitPane ResultsCtrl+Alt+F7⌃⌥F7
GeneralWindow: Show/Hide Application ToolbarCtrl+Alt+F8⌃⌥F8
GeneralWindow: Show/Hide Query ToolbarCtrl+Alt+F10⌃⌥F10
GeneralWindow: Show/Hide Editor WindowCtrl+Alt+F6⌃⌥F6
GeneralWindow: Show/Hide Query ResultsCtrl+Alt+F11⌃⌥F11
GeneralWindow: Show/Hide Tree PanelsCtrl+Alt+F12⌃⌥F12
GeneralWindow: Show/Hide Panel Toolbar

GeneralWindow: Next TabAlt+Right⌥⌘→
GeneralWindow: Previous TabAlt+Left⌥⌘←
GeneralWindow: Next Inner TabCtrl+1⌃1
GeneralWindow: Focus Last TabAlt+9⌘9
GeneralWindow: Rename Current TabCtrl+Alt+T⌃⌥T
GeneralWindow: Close Current TabCtrl+F4⌘W
GeneralWindow: Close All But Current Tab

GeneralWindow: Close All TabsCtrl+Alt+F4⌥⌘W
GeneralWindow: Focus Top/Bottom Inside TabCtrl+2⌃2
GeneralWindow: Focus Tree/DocumentCtrl+3⌃3
GeneralHelp: Key AssistCtrl+Shift+L⌃⇧L
GeneralHelp: Online DocumentationShift+F1⇧⌘/
GeneralHelp: Answers

GeneralHelp: Community Discussions

GeneralHelp: License

GeneralHelp: About

GeneralDiff: Next DifferenceF7F7
GeneralDiff: Previous DifferenceShift+F7⇧F7
Text Editor

Text EditorEdit: CutCtrl+X⌘X
Text EditorEdit: CopyCtrl+C⌘C
Text EditorEdit: PasteCtrl+V⌘V
Text EditorEdit: Paste (alternative)Shift+Insert
Text EditorEdit: Paste ...Ctrl+Shift+V⇧⌘V
Text EditorEdit: UndoCtrl+Z⌘Z
Text EditorEdit: RedoCtrl+Shift+Z⇧⌘Z
Text EditorEdit: Select AllCtrl+A⌘A
Text EditorEdit: FindCtrl+F⌘F
Text EditorEdit: Find (alternative)Ctrl+Alt+F⌃⌥F
Text EditorEdit: Find NextF3⌘G
Text EditorEdit: Find PreviousShift+F3⇧⌘G
Text EditorEdit: ReplaceCtrl+H⇧⌘H
Text EditorEdit: Find Word At CaretCtrl+F3⌃⌘G
Text EditorEdit: Goto Ctrl+G⌃G
Text EditorEdit: Toggle BookmarkCtrl+Shift+M⌃⌘M
Text EditorEdit: Previous BookmarkCtrl+Shift+Up⌃⌘↑
Text EditorEdit: Next BookmarkCtrl+Shift+Down⌃⌘↓
Text EditorEdit: Cut to Beginning of Line

Text EditorEdit: Cut to End of Line

Text EditorEdit: Duplicate LineCtrl+K⌘K
Text EditorEdit: Delete Line

Text EditorEdit: Delete Previous WordCtrl+Backspace⌘⌫
Text EditorEdit: Delete Next WordCtrl+Delete⌘⌦
Text EditorEdit: Delete to End of Line
Text EditorEdit: Join Lines

Text EditorEdit: Line Up

Text EditorEdit: Line Down

Text EditorEdit: Line Start
Text EditorEdit: Line End
Text EditorEdit: Previous WordCtrl+Left⌥←
Text EditorEdit: Next WordCtrl+Right⌥→
Text EditorEdit: Page Up

Text EditorEdit: Page Down

Text EditorEdit: Scroll Line UpCtrl+Up
Text EditorEdit: Scroll Line DownCtrl+Down
Text EditorEdit: Text Begin

Text EditorEdit: Text End

Text EditorEdit: To LowerCtrl+L⌘L
Text EditorEdit: To UpperCtrl+U⌘U
Text EditorEdit: Folding Expand Ctrl+Alt+Plus⌃⌘+
Text EditorEdit: Folding Expand (alternative)Ctrl+Alt+Equals⌃⌘=
Text EditorEdit: Folding CollapseCtrl+Alt+Minus⌃⌘-
Text EditorEdit: Folding Expand AllCtrl+Shift+Plus⇧⌘+
Text EditorEdit: Folding Expand All (alternative)Ctrl+Shift+Equals⇧⌘=
Text EditorEdit: Folding Collapse AllCtrl+Shift+Minus⇧⌘-
Text EditorEdit: Folding Fold Selection / Remove regionCtrl+Period⌘.
Text EditorEdit: Next Highlighted ErrorF2F2
Text EditorEdit: Previous Highlighted ErrorShift+F2⇧F2
Text EditorEdit: Next ChangeCtrl+Alt+Shift+Down⌃⇧⌘↓
Text EditorEdit: Previous ChangeCtrl+Alt+Shift+Up⌃⇧⌘↑
Text EditorEdit: Move Line(s) UpAlt+Shift+Up⌥⌘↑ 
Text EditorEdit: Move Line(s) DownAlt+Shift+Down⌥⌘↓
Text EditorEdit: Move Caret to Code Block Start Ctrl+Open Bracket⌘[
Text EditorEdit: Move Caret to Code Block EndCtrl+Close Bracket ⌘]
Text EditorEdit: Move Caret to Code Block Start with SelectionCtrl+Shift+Open Bracket⇧⌘[
Text EditorEdit: Move Caret to Code Block End with SelectionCtrl+Shift+Close Bracket⇧⌘]
Text EditorEdit: Increase Editor Font Size

Text EditorEdit: Decrease Editor Font Size

Text EditorEdit: Reset Editor Font Size

Text EditorEdit: Show CompletionCtrl+Space⌃␣
Text EditorEdit: Show Parameter InformationCtrl+Shift+Space⌃⇧␣
Table Data Editor

Table Data EditorFile: RefreshCtrl+R⌘R
Table Data EditorFile: Save & RefreshCtrl+S⌘S
Table Data EditorFile: Save ChangesCtrl+T⌘T
Table Data EditorFile: Save ScriptCtrl+Shift+S⇧⌘S
Table Data EditorFile: CloseAlt+F4⇧⌘W
Table Data EditorFile: CopyCtrl+C⌘C
Table Data EditorFile: PasteCtrl+V⌘V
Table Data EditorEdit: Insert Row Before SelectedInsert⌥↑
Table Data EditorEdit: Insert Row After Selected

Table Data EditorEdit: Delete RowCtrl+Delete⌃⌦
Table Data EditorEdit: Clone Selected RowsCtrl+Shift+V⇧⌘V
Table Data EditorEdit: Highlight Current ColumnCtrl+Shift+K⇧⌘K
Table Data EditorEdit: Highlight Current RowCtrl+Shift+R⇧⌘R
Table Data EditorEdit: AutoFit Column WidthCtrl+Alt+A⌥⌘A
Table Data EditorEdit: FindCtrl+F⌘F
Table Data EditorEdit: Find NextF3⌘G
Table Data EditorEdit: Find PreviousShift+F3⇧⌘G
Table Data EditorEdit: Find and ReplaceCtrl+H⇧⌘H
Table Data EditorEdit: Fill DownCtrl+Alt+D⇧⌘D
Table Data EditorEdit: Fill RightCtrl+Alt+R⌥⌘R
Table Data EditorEdit: Fill Up

Table Data EditorEdit: Fill Left

Table Data EditorEdit: Clear ChangesCtrl+Alt+Z⌥⌘Z
Table Data EditorEdit: Clear Selected Deleted Row(s)Ctrl+Alt+E⌥⌘E
Table Data EditorEdit: Clear Cell ChangesCtrl+Alt+Y⌥⌘Y
Table Data EditorEdit: Set Cell to NULLDelete
Table Data EditorEdit: Insert Current Date/TimeCtrl+Alt+T⌥⌘T
Table Data EditorEdit: Insert Current Date OnlyCtrl+Shift+T⇧⌘T
Table Data EditorEdit: Edit In WindowCtrl+Alt+W⌥⌘W
Table Data EditorEdit: Insert UUIDCtrl+Alt+G⌥⌘G
Table Data EditorWindow: Next TabAlt+Right⌃→
Table Data EditorWindow: Previous TabAlt+Left⌃←
Table Data EditorWindow: Focus Max ResultsCtrl+Alt+M⌥⌘M
Table Data EditorWindow: Show/Hide Preview PanelCtrl+Alt+F12⌃⌥F12
Table Data EditorGeneral: CancelCtrl+Alt+Backspace⌥⌘⌫

HistoryToolbar: SelectCtrl+R⌘R
HistoryToolbar: Select & CloseCtrl+Shift+R⇧⌘R
HistoryToolbar: Clear SelectedCtrl+D⌘D
HistoryToolbar: Clear All

HistoryToolbar: Archive Selected

HistoryToolbar: Archive All

HistoryToolbar: Save ScriptCtrl+S⌘S
HistoryToolbar: Preview PanelCtrl+Alt+F12⌃⌥F12
HistoryToolbar: CloseAlt+F4⇧⌘W
HistoryToolbar: Copy CompareCtrl+Shift+D⇧⌘D
HistoryToolbar: FindCtrl+F⌘F
HistoryToolbar: Find NextF3⌘G
HistoryToolbar: Find PreviousShift+F3⇧⌘G
HistoryGeneral: Focus History/PreviewCtrl+2⌃2
Visual Explain Diagram

Visual Explain DiagramFile: Save Image AsCtrl+S⌘S
Visual Explain DiagramFile: PrintCtrl+P⌘P
Visual Explain DiagramFile: CloseAlt+F4⇧⌘W
Visual Explain DiagramEdit: Zoom InCtrl+I⌘I
Visual Explain DiagramEdit: Zoom OutCtrl+O⌘O
Visual Explain DiagramEdit: Color Critical PathCtrl+Alt+F6⌥⌘F6
Visual Explain DiagramEdit: Color Critical NodeCtrl+Alt+F7⌥⌘F7
Visual Explain DiagramEdit: Color Critical OperationCtrl+Alt+F8⌥⌘F8
Query Builder

Query BuilderFile: NewCtrl+N⌘N
Query BuilderFile: OpenCtrl+O⌘O
Query BuilderFile: SaveCtrl+S⌘S
Query BuilderFile: Save AsCtrl+Shift+S⇧⌘S
Query BuilderFile: Save SQL AsCtrl+Alt+S⌥⌘S
Query BuilderFile: Save ResultsCtrl+R⌘R
Query BuilderFile: Options

Query BuilderFile: CloseAlt+F4⇧⌘W
Query BuilderConnection: Connect to Server...

Query BuilderConnection: Add Database

Query BuilderConnection: Group by Schema

Query BuilderConnection: Show System Tables and Views

Query BuilderConnection: ReconnectCtrl+Shift+Insert⌃⌥⇧↑
Query BuilderConnection: Refresh 

Query BuilderConnection: Close

Query BuilderConnection: Properties

Query BuilderQuery: ExecuteCtrl+E⌘E
Query BuilderQuery: Execute EditCtrl+Alt+Enter⌥⌘↵
Query BuilderQuery: Copy SQLCtrl+Shift+C⇧⌘C
Query BuilderQuery: Format SQLCtrl+Shift+B⇧⌘B
Query BuilderWorksheet: Create Subquery In Select

Query BuilderWorksheet: Create Union

Query BuilderWorksheet: Create Derived Table 

Query BuilderWorksheet: Quick Table AddCtrl+L⌘L
Query BuilderWorksheet: Minimize Tables in Diagram

Query BuilderWorksheet: Expand Tables in Diagram

Query BuilderWorksheet: Clear

Entity Relationship (ER) Modeler/Diagram

ER ModelerFile: NewCtrl+N⌘N
ER ModelerFile: OpenCtrl+O⌘O
ER ModelerFile: SaveCtrl+S⌘S
ER ModelerFile: Save AsCtrl+Shift+S⇧⌘S
ER ModelerFile: PrintCtrl+P⌘P
ER ModelerFile: CloseAlt+F4⇧⌘W
ER ModelerEdit: CopyCtrl+C⌘C
ER ModelerEdit: PasteCtrl+V⌘V
ER ModelerEdit: DeleteDelete
ER ModelerEdit: RenameF3F3
ER ModelerEdit: Select AllCtrl+A⌘A
ER ModelerEdit: Auto-FitAlt+A⌥A
ER ModelerEdit: Show/Hide

ER ModelerEdit: Properties

ER ModelerEdit: Find TableCtrl+G⌘G
ER ModelerEdit: New TableAlt+T⌥T
ER ModelerEdit: New ViewAlt+V⌥V
ER ModelerEdit: New NoteAlt+N⌥N
ER ModelerEdit: New RelationshipAlt+F⌥F
ER ModelerEdit: New SubcategoryAlt+S⌥S
ER ModelerEdit: New Region
ER ModelerEdit: New IndexAlt+I⌥I
ER ModelerEdit: New Primary Key ConstraintAlt+P⌥P
ER ModelerEdit: New Unique ConstraintAlt+U⌥U
ER ModelerEdit: New Check ConstraintAlt+C⌥C
ER ModelerView: 1:1 ScaleCtrl+1⌘1
ER ModelerView: Zoom InCtrl+Equals⌘=
ER ModelerView: Zoom OutCtrl+Minus⌘-
ER ModelerView: Fit to WidthCtrl+0⌘0
ER ModelerSheet: AddCtrl+Alt+T⌥⌘T
ER ModelerSheet: RenameCtrl+Alt+R⌥⌘R
ER ModelerSheet: DeleteCtrl+Delete⌘⌦
ER ModelerTools: Save As ImageCtrl+Shift+I⇧⌘I
ER ModelerTools: Generate DDL ScriptCtrl+Shift+G⇧⌘G
ER ModelerTools: Generate HTML ReportCtrl+Shift+R⇧⌘R
ER ModelerTools: Convert ModelCtrl+Shift+C⇧⌘C
ER ModelerDisplay: Attribute LevelCtrl+2⌘2
ER ModelerDisplay: Primary Key LevelCtrl+3⌘3
ER ModelerDisplay: Entity LevelCtrl+4⌘4
ER ModelerDisplay: Physical Schema LevelCtrl+5⌘5
ER ModelerDisplay: CommentsCtrl+6⌘6
ER ModelerDisplay: Relationship NamesCtrl+7⌘7
ER ModelerDisplay: Schema Folder GroupingCtrl+8⌘8
ER ModelerDisplay: Hide Invisible Entities in Schema Tree

ER ModelerDisplay: Printing Grid

ER ModelerDisplay: Nullable ColumnsCtrl+9⌘9
ER ModelerWindow: Show/Hide ModelCtrl+Alt+F9⌃⌥F9
ER ModelerWindow: Show/Hide Object PropertiesCtrl+Alt+F10⌃⌥F10
ER ModelerWindow: Show/Hide OverviewCtrl+Alt+F11⌃⌥F11
ER ModelerWindow: Show/Hide PaletteCtrl+Alt+F12⌃⌥F12
Compress Tool

Compress ToolFile: New

Compress ToolFile: Open

Compress ToolFile: CloseAlt+F4⇧⌘W
Compress ToolActions: Add File

Compress ToolActions: Remove File

Compress ToolActions: Extract

Compress ToolActions: Extract to Archive

Compress ToolActions: Encrypt

Visual Analytics

Visual AnalyticsFile: NewCtrl+N⌘N
Visual AnalyticsFile: OpenCtrl+O⌘O
Visual AnalyticsFile: SaveCtrl+S⌘S
Visual AnalyticsFile: Save AsCtrl+Shift+S⇧⌘S
Visual AnalyticsFile: Revert to SavedCtrl+R⌘R
Visual AnalyticsFile: Export Packaged WorkbookCtrl+P⌘P
Visual AnalyticsFile: CloseAlt+F4⌘W
Visual AnalyticsData: Connect to DataCtrl+D⌘D
Visual AnalyticsData: Paste DataCtrl+V⌘V
Visual AnalyticsData: RefreshF5F5
Visual AnalyticsEdit: UndoCtrl+Z⌘Z
Visual AnalyticsEdit: RedoCtrl+Shift+Z⇧⌘Z
Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: New WorksheetCtrl+T⌘T
Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Clear SheetAlt+Shift+Backspace⌥⇧⌫
Visual AnalyticsWindow: Show Next TabAlt+Right⇧⌘]
Visual AnalyticsWindow: Show Previous TabAlt+Left⇧⌘[
Visual AnalyticsAnalysis: Swap Rows and ColumnsCtrl+W⌃⌘W
Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Clear SelectionEscape
Visual AnalyticsWindow: Visualization WindowCtrl+1⌘1
Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Columns DeckAlt+Shift+C⌥⇧C
Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Rows DeckAlt+Shift+R⌥⇧R
Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Filter DeckAlt+Shift+F⌥⇧F
Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Color DeckAlt+Shift+O⌥⇧O
Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Size DeckAlt+Shift+I⌥⇧I
Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Shape DeckAlt+Shift+S⌥⇧S
Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Label DeckAlt+Shift+L⌥⇧L
Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Break DeckAlt+Shift+B⌥⇧B
Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Geo DeckAlt+Shift+G⌥⇧G
Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Open DeckAlt+Shift+P⌥⇧P
Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in High DeckAlt+Shift+H⌥⇧H
Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Low DeckAlt+Shift+W⌥⇧W
Visual AnalyticsData: Search Field in DimensionCtrl+F⌘F
Visual AnalyticsData: Search Field in MeasureCtrl+Shift+F⇧⌘F
Visual AnalyticsData: Search Field in ParameterCtrl+Alt+F⌥⌘F
Visual AnalyticsFormat: Cell Size NarrowerAlt+Shift+Left⌥⇧←
Visual AnalyticsFormat: Cell Size WiderAlt+Shift+Right⌥⇧→
Visual AnalyticsFormat: Cell Size ShorterAlt+Shift+Up⌥⇧↑
Visual AnalyticsFormat: Cell Size TallerAlt+Shift+Down⌥⇧↓
Visual AnalyticsHelp: Visual AnalyticsF1F1
Note on OS X Function Keys

OS X keyboards use Function keys as special keys for the operating system as part of the default System Preferences (F1 Reduce Display Brightness, F4 Launchpad, F10 Mute Sound, etc.). This setting can be changed under System Preferences > Keyboard > [Keyboard]  and clicking the radio button next to "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys". Enabling this radio button means that the Fn key will only be required to use the Function keys to Reduce Display Brightness (Fn + F1), open Launchpad (Fn + F4), Mute Sound (Fn + F10), etc. Aqua Data Studio keyboard shortcuts that have Function keys will not need the addition of the Fn modifier key. In Aqua Data Studio the shortcut Fn+Ctrl+Alt+F7 would then become Ctrl+Alt+F7. 

Application - Keymappings - Emacs

Windows/Linux/JavaOS X *note on Function keys*

Emacs GeneralFile: NewCtrl+N⌘N
Emacs GeneralFile: OpenCtrl+O⌘O
Emacs GeneralFile: SaveCtrl+S⌘S
Emacs GeneralFile: Save AsCtrl+Shift+S⇧⌘S
Emacs GeneralFile: Save All

Emacs GeneralFile: Save ResultsCtrl+R⌘R
Emacs GeneralFile: PrintCtrl+P⌘P
Emacs GeneralFile: OptionsCtrl+Comma⌘,
Emacs GeneralFile: New Frame WindowCtrl+Alt+N⌥⌘N
Emacs GeneralFile: Close WindowAlt+F4⌘Q
Emacs GeneralServer: New Server Group

Emacs GeneralServer: Register Server CloneShift+Insert⌥⇧↑
Emacs GeneralServer: Register ServerInsert⌥↑
Emacs GeneralServer: Server PropertiesCtrl+Shift+P⇧⌘P
Emacs GeneralServer: ConnectCtrl+Insert⌃⌥↑
Emacs GeneralServer: DisconnectCtrl+Delete⌃⌦
Emacs GeneralServer: Query AnalyzerCtrl+Q⌃Q
Emacs GeneralServer: Query Analyzer CloneCtrl+Shift+Q⌃⇧C
Emacs GeneralServer: Query Analyzer Clone with Content

Emacs GeneralServer: Query Analyzer WindowCtrl+Shift+W⌃⇧W
Emacs GeneralServer: FluidShellCtrl+Shift+F⌃⇧F
Emacs GeneralServer: Query BuilderCtrl+Alt+Q⌃⌥Q
Emacs GeneralServer: ExecuteF5F5
Emacs GeneralServer: DeleteDelete
Emacs GeneralQuery: ParseCtrl+Alt+A⌥⌘A
Emacs GeneralQuery: ExecuteCtrl+E⌘E
Emacs GeneralQuery: Execute CurrentCtrl+Enter⌘↵
Emacs GeneralQuery: Execute EditCtrl+Alt+Enter⌥⌘↵
Emacs GeneralQuery: Execute ExplainCtrl+Shift+Enter⇧⌘↵
Emacs GeneralQuery: StopCtrl+Alt+Backspace⌥⌘⌫
Emacs GeneralQuery: DescribeCtrl+D⌘D
Emacs GeneralQuery: Auto CommitCtrl+Shift+A⇧⌘A
Emacs GeneralQuery: CommitCtrl+Shift+C⇧⌘C
Emacs GeneralQuery: RollbackCtrl+Shift+R⇧⌘R
Emacs GeneralQuery: ReconnectCtrl+Shift+Insert⌃⌥⇧↑
Emacs GeneralQuery: Disconnect

Emacs GeneralQuery: Change Server

Emacs GeneralQuery: Auto CompleteCtrl+Shift+U⇧⌘U
Emacs GeneralQuery: Auto Complete On All SchemasCtrl+Shift+O⇧⌘O
Emacs GeneralQuery: Refresh Auto SchemaCtrl+Shift+E⇧⌘E
Emacs GeneralQuery: SQL HistoryCtrl+Alt+H⌃⌥H
Emacs GeneralQuery: Show TextAlt+F7⌘F7
Emacs GeneralQuery: Show Text HistoryAlt+F8⌘F8
Emacs GeneralQuery: Show DBMS_OUTPUTAlt+F9⌘F9
Emacs GeneralQuery: Show Form

Emacs GeneralQuery: Show GridAlt+F10⌘F10
Emacs GeneralQuery: Show Explain PlanAlt+F11⌘F11
Emacs GeneralQuery: Show Client StatsAlt+F12⌘F12
Emacs GeneralQuery: Show Pivot Table

Emacs GeneralAutomate: Introduce INSERT StmtCtrl+Alt+I⌥⌘I
Emacs GeneralAutomate: Introduce UPDATE StmtCtrl+Alt+U⌥⌘U
Emacs GeneralAutomate: Introduce DELETE StmtCtrl+Alt+D⌥⌘E
Emacs GeneralAutomate: Introduce SELECT StmtCtrl+Alt+S⌥⌘S
Emacs GeneralAutomate: Introduce ColumnsCtrl+Alt+C⌥⌘C
Emacs GeneralAutomate: Introduce Qualified ColumnsCtrl+Alt+X⌥⌘X
Emacs GeneralAutomate: Introduce Value StubsCtrl+Alt+V⌥⌘V
Emacs GeneralAutomate: Comment StatementCtrl+Alt+Slash⌥⌘/
Emacs GeneralAutomate: // Comment LineCtrl+Slash⌘/
Emacs GeneralAutomate: -- Comment LineCtrl+Minus ⌘-
Emacs GeneralAutomate: /* Comment BlockCtrl+Shift+Slash⌃⇧/
Emacs GeneralAutomate: Morph to Upper CaseCtrl+Alt+P⌥⌘P
Emacs GeneralAutomate: Morph to Lower CaseCtrl+Alt+L⌥⌘L
Emacs GeneralAutomate: Morph to Delimited ListCtrl+Alt+O⌃⌥O
Emacs GeneralAutomate: Format Current StatementCtrl+B⌘B
Emacs GeneralAutomate: Format ScriptCtrl+Shift+B⇧⌘B
Emacs GeneralTools: Import Tool

Emacs GeneralTools: Export Tool

Emacs GeneralTools: Script Generator

Emacs GeneralTools: Server Script Generator

Emacs GeneralTools: ER Diagram Generator

Emacs GeneralTools: Schema Compare

Emacs GeneralTools: Tab Compare

Emacs GeneralTools: File Compare

Emacs GeneralTools: Dir Compare

Emacs GeneralTools: Results CompareCtrl+Shift+K⇧⌘K
Emacs GeneralTools: Copy CompareCtrl+Shift+D⇧⌘D
Emacs GeneralTools: Explain Whiteboard

Emacs GeneralTools: Execution Monitor

Emacs GeneralTools: Connection Monitor

Emacs GeneralWindow: MultiTab/SplitPane ResultsCtrl+Alt+F7⌃⌥F7
Emacs GeneralWindow: Show/Hide Application ToolbarCtrl+Alt+F8⌃⌥F8
Emacs GeneralWindow: Show/Hide Query ToolbarCtrl+Alt+F10⌃⌥F10
Emacs GeneralWindow: Show/Hide Editor WindowCtrl+Alt+F6⌃⌥F6
Emacs GeneralWindow: Show/Hide Query ResultsCtrl+Alt+F11⌃⌥F11
Emacs GeneralWindow: Show/Hide Tree PanelsCtrl+Alt+F12⌃⌥F12
Emacs GeneralWindow: Show/Hide Panel Toolbar

Emacs GeneralWindow: Next TabAlt+Right⌥⌘→
Emacs GeneralWindow: Previous TabAlt+Left⌥⌘←
Emacs GeneralWindow: Next Inner TabCtrl+1⌃1
Emacs GeneralWindow: Focus Last TabAlt+9⌘9
Emacs GeneralWindow: Rename Current TabCtrl+Alt+T⌃⌥T
Emacs GeneralWindow: Close Current TabCtrl+F4⌘W
Emacs GeneralWindow: Close All But Current Tab

Emacs GeneralWindow: Close All TabsCtrl+Alt+F4⌥⌘W
Emacs GeneralWindow: Focus Top/Bottom Inside TabCtrl+2⌃2
Emacs GeneralWindow: Focus Tree/DocumentCtrl+3⌃3
Emacs GeneralHelp: Key AssistCtrl+Shift+L⌃⇧L
Emacs GeneralHelp: Online DocumentationShift+F1⇧⌘/
Emacs GeneralHelp: Answers

Emacs GeneralHelp: Community Discussions

Emacs GeneralHelp: License

Emacs GeneralHelp: About

Emacs GeneralDiff: Next DifferenceF7F7
Emacs GeneralDiff: Previous DifferenceShift+F7⇧F7
Text Editor

Emacs Text EditorEdit: CutCtrl+W⌃W
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Cut (alternative)
Emacs Text EditorEdit: CopyCtrl+C⌘C
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Copy (alternative)Alt+W
Emacs Text EditorEdit: PasteCtrl+Y⌃Y
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Paste (alternative)Alt+Insert⌘V
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Paste ...Ctrl+Shift+V⇧⌘V
Emacs Text EditorEdit: UndoCtrl+Shift+Minus⇧⌘-
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Undo (alternative)Ctrl+X UX U
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Undo (alternative)F9F9
Emacs Text EditorEdit: RedoCtrl+Shift+Equals⇧⌘=
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Redo (alternative)Ctrl+X R⌃X R
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Redo (alternative)F10F10
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Select AllCtrl+A⌥A
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Select All (alternative)Ctrl+X HX H
Emacs Text EditorEdit: FindCtrl+F⌘F
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Find (alternative)Ctrl+Alt+F⌃⌥F
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Find NextF3⌘G
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Find PreviousShift+F3⇧⌘G
Emacs Text EditorEdit: ReplaceCtrl+H⇧⌘H
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Find Word At CaretCtrl+F3⌃⌘G
Emacs Text EditorEdit: GotoCtrl+G⌃G
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Toggle BookmarkCtrl+Shift+M⌃⌘M
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Previous BookmarkCtrl+Shift+Up⌃⌘↑
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Next BookmarkCtrl+Shift+Down⌃⌘↓
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Cut to Beginning of LineAlt+0 Ctrl+K⌥0 ⌘K
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Cut to End of LineCtrl+K⌘K
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Duplicate Line

Emacs Text EditorEdit: Delete LineCtrl+Shift+Backspace⌃⇧⌫
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Delete Previous WordAlt+Backspace⌘⌫
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Delete Next WordAlt+Delete⌥⌦
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Delete to End of LineCtrl+Shift+Delete⇧⌘⌦
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Join LinesCtrl+Shift+J⇧⌘J
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Line UpAlt+P⌃P
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Line DownAlt+N⌃N
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Line StartAlt+A⌃A
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Line Start (alternative)
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Line EndAlt+E⌃E
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Line End (alternative)
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Previous WordAlt+B⌥←
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Next WordAlt+F⌥→
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Page UpAlt+V
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Page DownCtrl+V
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Scroll Line UpAlt+Z⌥Z
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Scroll Line DownCtrl+Z⌃Z
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Text BeginAlt+CommaX [
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Text Begin (alternative)Alt+Shift+Comma
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Text Begin (alternative)Ctrl+X Open Bracket
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Text EndAlt+PeriodX ]
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Text End (alternative)Alt+Shift+Period
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Text End (alternative)Ctrl+X Close Bracket
Emacs Text EditorEdit: To LowerCtrl+Shift+Y⇧⌘Y
Emacs Text EditorEdit: To UpperCtrl+Shift+X⇧⌘X
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Folding Expand Ctrl+Alt+Plus⌘+
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Folding Expand (alternative)Ctrl+Alt+Equals⌘=
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Folding CollapseCtr+Alt+Minus⌘-
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Folding Expand AllAlt+Shift+Plus⇧+
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Folding Expand All (alternative)Alt+Shift+Equals⇧=
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Folding Collapse AllAlt+Shift+Minus⇧-
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Folding Fold Selection / Remove regionCtrl+Period⌥.
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Next Highlighted ErrorF2F2
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Previous Highlighted ErrorShift+F2⇧F2
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Next ChangeCtrl+Alt+Shift+Down⇧⌘↓
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Previous ChangeCtrl+Alt+Shift+Up⇧⌘↑
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Move Line(s) UpAlt+Shift+Up⌥⌘↑
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Move Line(s) DownAlt+Shift+Down⌥⌘↓
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Move Caret to Code Block Start Ctrl+Open Bracket ⌘[
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Move Caret to Code Block EndCtrl+Close Bracket ⌘]
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Move Caret to Code Block Start with SelectionCtrl+Shift+Open Bracket⇧⌘[
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Move Caret to Code Block End with SelectionCtrl+Shift+Close Bracket⇧⌘]
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Increase Editor Font Size

Emacs Text EditorEdit: Decrease Editor Font Size

Emacs Text EditorEdit: Reset Editor Font Size

Emacs Text EditorEdit: Show CompletionCtrl+Space⌃␣
Emacs Text EditorEdit: Show Parameter InformationCtrl+Shift+Space⌃⇧␣
Table Data Editor

Emacs Table Data EditorFile: RefreshCtrl+R⌘R
Emacs Table Data EditorFile: Save & RefreshCtrl+S⌘S
Emacs Table Data EditorFile: Save ChangesCtrl+T⌘T
Emacs Table Data EditorFile: Save ScriptCtrl+Shift+S⇧⌘S
Emacs Table Data EditorFile: CloseAlt+F4⇧⌘W
Emacs Table Data EditorFile: CopyCtrl+C⌘C
Emacs Table Data EditorFile: PasteCtrl+Y⌃Y
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Insert Row Before SelectedInsert⌥↑
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Insert Row After Selected

Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Delete RowCtrl+Delete⌃⌦
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Clone Selected RowsCtrl+Shift+V⇧⌘V
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Highlight Current ColumnCtrl+Shift+K⇧⌘K
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Highlight Current RowCtrl+Shift+R⇧⌘R
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: AutoFit Column WidthCtrl+Alt+A⌥⌘A
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: FindCtrl+F⌘F
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Find NextF3⌘G
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Find PreviousShift+F3⇧⌘G
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Find and ReplaceCtrl+H⇧⌘H
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Fill DownCtrl+Alt+D⇧⌘D
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Fill RightCtrl+Alt+R⌥⌘R
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Fill Up

Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Fill Left

Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Clear ChangesCtrl+Alt+Z⌥⌘Z
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Clear Selected Deleted Row(s)Ctrl+Alt+E⌥⌘E
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Clear Cell ChangesCtrl+Alt+Y⌥⌘Y
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Set Cell to NULLDelete
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Insert Current Date/TimeCtrl+Alt+T⌥⌘T
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Insert Current Date OnlyCtrl+Shift+T⇧⌘T
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Edit In WindowCtrl+Alt+W⌥⌘W
Emacs Table Data EditorEdit: Insert UUIDCtrl+Alt+G⌥⌘G
Emacs Table Data EditorWindow: Next TabAlt+Right⌃→
Emacs Table Data EditorWindow: Previous TabAlt+Left⌃←
Emacs Table Data EditorWindow: Focus Max ResultsCtrl+Alt+M⌥⌘M
Emacs Table Data EditorWindow: Show/Hide Preview PanelCtrl+Alt+F12⌃⌥F12
Emacs Table Data EditorGeneral: CancelCtrl+Alt+Backspace⌥⌘⌫

Emacs HistoryToolbar: SelectCtrl+R⌘R
Emacs HistoryToolbar: Select & CloseCtrl+Shift+R⇧⌘R
Emacs HistoryToolbar: Clear SelectedCtrl+D⌘D
Emacs HistoryToolbar: Clear All

Emacs HistoryToolbar: Archive Selected

Emacs HistoryToolbar: Archive All

Emacs HistoryToolbar: Save ScriptCtrl+S⌘S
Emacs HistoryToolbar: Preview PanelCtrl+Alt+F12⌃⌥F12
Emacs HistoryToolbar: CloseAlt+F4⇧⌘W
Emacs HistoryToolbar: Copy CompareCtrl+Shift+D⇧⌘D
Emacs HistoryToolbar: FindCtrl+F⌘F
Emacs HistoryToolbar: Find NextF3⌘G
Emacs HistoryToolbar: Find PreviousShift+F3⇧⌘G
Emacs HistoryGeneral: Focus History/PreviewCtrl+2⌃2
Visual Explain Diagram

Emacs Visual Explain DiagramFile: Save Image AsCtrl+S⌘S
Emacs Visual Explain DiagramFile: PrintCtrl+P⌘P
Emacs Visual Explain DiagramFile: CloseAlt+F4⇧⌘W
Emacs Visual Explain DiagramEdit: Zoom InCtrl+I⌘I
Emacs Visual Explain DiagramEdit: Zoom OutCtrl+O⌘O
Emacs Visual Explain DiagramEdit: Color Critical PathCtrl+Alt+F6⌥⌘F6
Emacs Visual Explain DiagramEdit: Color Critical NodeCtrl+Alt+F7⌥⌘F7
Emacs Visual Explain DiagramEdit: Color Critical OperationCtrl+Alt+F8⌥⌘F8
Query Builder

Emacs Query BuilderFile: NewCtrl+N⌘N
Emacs Query BuilderFile: OpenCtrl+O⌘O
Emacs Query BuilderFile: SaveCtrl+S⌘S
Emacs Query BuilderFile: Save AsCtrl+Shift+S⇧⌘S
Emacs Query BuilderFile: Save SQL AsCtrl+Alt+S⌥⌘S
Emacs Query BuilderFile: Save ResultsCtrl+R⌘R
Emacs Query BuilderFile: Options

Emacs Query BuilderFile: CloseAlt+F4⇧⌘W
Emacs Query BuilderConnection: Connect to Server...

Emacs Query BuilderConnection: Add Database

Emacs Query BuilderConnection: Group by Schema

Emacs Query BuilderConnection: Show System Tables and Views

Emacs Query BuilderConnection: ReconnectCtrl+Shift+Insert⌥⇧
Emacs Query BuilderConnection: Refresh 

Emacs Query BuilderConnection: Close

Emacs Query BuilderConnection: Properties

Emacs Query BuilderQuery: ExecuteCtrl+E⌘E
Emacs Query BuilderQuery: Execute EditCtrl+Alt+Enter⌥⌘↵
Emacs Query BuilderQuery: Copy SQLCtrl+Shift+C⇧⌘C
Emacs Query BuilderQuery: Format SQLCtrl+Shift+B⇧⌘B
Emacs Query BuilderWorksheet: Create Subquery In Select

Emacs Query BuilderWorksheet: Create Union

Emacs Query BuilderWorksheet: Create Derived Table 

Emacs Query BuilderWorksheet: Quick Table AddCtrl+L⌘L
Emacs Query BuilderWorksheet: Minimize Tables in Diagram

Emacs Query BuilderWorksheet: Expand Tables in Diagram

Emacs Query BuilderWorksheet: Clear

Entity Relationship (ER) Modeler/Diagram

Emacs ER ModelerFile: NewCtrl+N⌘N
Emacs ER ModelerFile: OpenCtrl+O⌘O
Emacs ER ModelerFile: SaveCtrl+S⌘S
Emacs ER ModelerFile: Save AsCtrl+Shift+S⇧⌘S
Emacs ER ModelerFile: PrintCtrl+P⌘P
Emacs ER ModelerFile: CloseAlt+F4⇧⌘W
Emacs ER ModelerEdit: CopyCtrl+C⌘C
Emacs ER ModelerEdit: PasteCtrl+V⌘V
Emacs ER ModelerEdit: DeleteDelete
Emacs ER ModelerEdit: RenameF3F3
Emacs ER ModelerEdit: Select AllCtrl+A⌘A
Emacs ER ModelerEdit: Auto-FitAlt+A⌥A
Emacs ER ModelerEdit: Show/Hide

Emacs ER ModelerEdit: Properties

Emacs ER ModelerEdit: Find TableCtrl+G⌘G
Emacs ER ModelerEdit: New TableAlt+T⌥T
Emacs ER ModelerEdit: New ViewAlt+V⌥V
Emacs ER ModelerEdit: New NoteAlt+N⌥N
Emacs ER ModelerEdit: New RelationshipAlt+F⌥F
Emacs ER ModelerEdit: New SubcategoryAlt+S⌥S
Emacs ER ModelerEdit: New Region
Emacs ER ModelerEdit: New IndexAlt+I⌥I
Emacs ER ModelerEdit: New Primary Key ConstraintAlt+P⌥P
Emacs ER ModelerEdit: New Unique ConstraintAlt+U⌥U
Emacs ER ModelerEdit: New Check ConstraintAlt+C⌥C
Emacs ER ModelerView: 1:1 ScaleCtrl+1⌘1
Emacs ER ModelerView: Zoom InCtrl+Equals⌘=
Emacs ER ModelerView: Zoom OutCtrl+Minus⌘-
Emacs ER ModelerView: Fit to WidthCtrl+0⌘0
Emacs ER ModelerSheet: AddCtrl+Alt+T⌥⌘T
Emacs ER ModelerSheet: RenameCtrl+Alt+R⌥⌘R
Emacs ER ModelerSheet: DeleteCtrl+Delete⌘⌦
Emacs ER ModelerTools: Save As ImageCtrl+Shift+I⇧⌘I
Emacs ER ModelerTools: Generate DDL ScriptCtrl+Shift+G⇧⌘G
Emacs ER ModelerTools: Generate HTML ReportCtrl+Shift+R⇧⌘R
Emacs ER ModelerTools: Convert ModelCtrl+Shift+C⇧⌘C
Emacs ER ModelerDisplay: Attribute LevelCtrl+2⌘2
Emacs ER ModelerDisplay: Primary Key LevelCtrl+3⌘3
Emacs ER ModelerDisplay: Entity LevelCtrl+4⌘4
Emacs ER ModelerDisplay: Physical Schema LevelCtrl+5⌘5
Emacs ER ModelerDisplay: CommentsCtrl+6⌘6
Emacs ER ModelerDisplay: Relationship NamesCtrl+7⌘7
Emacs ER ModelerDisplay: Schema Folder GroupingCtrl+8⌘8
Emacs ER ModelerDisplay: Hide Invisible Entities in Schema Tree

Emacs ER ModelerDisplay: Printing Grid

Emacs ER ModelerDisplay: Nullable ColumnsCtrl+9⌘9
Emacs ER ModelerWindow: Show/Hide ModelCtrl+Alt+F9⌃⌥F9
Emacs ER ModelerWindow: Show/Hide Object PropertiesCtrl+Alt+F10⌃⌥F10
Emacs ER ModelerWindow: Show/Hide OverviewCtrl+Alt+F11⌃⌥F11
Emacs ER ModelerWindow: Show/Hide PaletteCtrl+Alt+F12⌃⌥F12
Compress Tool

Emacs Compress ToolFile: New

Emacs Compress ToolFile: Open

Emacs Compress ToolFile: CloseAlt+F4⇧⌘W
Emacs Compress ToolActions: Add File

Emacs Compress ToolActions: Remove File

Emacs Compress ToolActions: Extract

Emacs Compress ToolActions: Extract to Archive

Emacs Compress ToolActions: Encrypt

Visual Analytics

Emacs Visual AnalyticsFile: NewCtrl+N⌘N
Emacs Visual AnalyticsFile: OpenCtrl+O⌘O
Emacs Visual AnalyticsFile: SaveCtrl+S⌘S
Emacs Visual AnalyticsFile: Save AsCtrl+Shift+S⇧⌘S
Emacs Visual AnalyticsFile: Revert to SavedCtrl+R⌘R
Emacs Visual AnalyticsFile: Export Packaged WorkbookCtrl+P⌘P
Emacs Visual AnalyticsFile: CloseAlt+F4⌘W
Emacs Visual AnalyticsData: Connect to DataCtrl+D⌘D
Emacs Visual AnalyticsData: Paste DataCtrl+V⌘V
Emacs Visual AnalyticsData: RefreshF5F5
Emacs Visual AnalyticsEdit: UndoCtrl+Z⌘Z
EmacsVisual AnalyticsEdit: RedoCtrl+Shift+Z⇧⌘Z
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: New WorksheetCtrl+T⌘T
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Clear WorksheetAlt+Shift+Backspace⌥⇧⌫
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWindow: Show Next TabCtrl+Tab⇧⌘]
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWindow: Show Previous TabCtrl+Shift+Tab⇧⌘[
Emacs Visual AnalyticsAnalysis: Swap Rows and ColumnsCtrl+W⌃⌘W
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Clear SelectionEscape
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWindow: Visualization WindowCtrl+1⌘1
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Columns DeckAlt+Shift+C⌥⇧C
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Rows DeckAlt+Shift+R⌥⇧R
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Filter DeckAlt+Shift+F⌥⇧F
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Color DeckAlt+Shift+O⌥⇧O
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Size DeckAlt+Shift+I⌥⇧I
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Shape DeckAlt+Shift+S⌥⇧S
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Label DeckAlt+Shift+L⌥⇧L
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Break DeckAlt+Shift+B⌥⇧B
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Geo DeckAlt+Shift+G⌥⇧G
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Open DeckAlt+Shift+P⌥⇧P
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in High DeckAlt+Shift+H⌥⇧H
Emacs Visual AnalyticsWorksheet: Place Field in Low DeckAlt+Shift+W⌥⇧W
Emacs Visual AnalyticsData: Search Field in DimensionCtrl+F⌘F
Emacs Visual AnalyticsData: Search Field in MeasureCtrl+Shift+F⇧⌘F
Emacs Visual AnalyticsData: Search Field in ParameterCtrl+Alt+F⌥⌘F
Emacs Visual AnalyticsFormat: Cell Size NarrowerAlt+Shift+Left⌥⇧←
Emacs Visual AnalyticsFormat: Cell Size WiderAlt+Shift+Right⌥⇧→
Emacs Visual AnalyticsFormat: Cell Size ShorterAlt+Shift+Up⌥⇧↑
Emacs Visual AnalyticsFormat: Cell Size TallerAlt+Shift+Down⌥⇧↓
Emacs Visual AnalyticsHelp: Visual AnalyticsF1F1

Key Assist Tool

Key Mapping Options - General - part 1

Key Mapping Options - General - part 2

Key Mapping Options - General - part 3

Key Mapping Options - Text Editor - part 1

Key Mapping Options - Text Editor part 2

Key Mapping Options - Table Data Editor

Key Mapping Options - History

Key Mapping Options - Visual Explain Diagram

Key Mapping Options - Query Builder

Key Mapping Options - ER Modeler - part 1

Key Mapping Options - ER Modeler - part 2

Key Mapping Options - Compress Tool

Key Mapping Options - Visual Analytics - part 1
Key Mapping Options - Visual Analytics - part 2
Key Mapping Options - Emacs - General - part 1
Key Mapping Options - Emacs - General - part 2
Key Mapping Options - Emacs - General - part 3
Key Mapping Options - Emacs - Text Editor - part 1
Key Mapping Options - Emacs - Text Editor - part 2
Key Mapping Options - Emacs - Table Data Editor
Key Mapping Options - Emacs - History
Key Mapping Options - Emacs - Visual Explain Diagram
Key Mapping Options - Emacs - Query Builder
Key Mapping Options - Emacs - ER Modular - part 1
Key Mapping Options - Emacs - ER Modular - part 2
Key Mapping Options - Emacs - Compress Tool
Key Mapping Options - Emacs - Visual Analytics - part 1
Key Mapping Options - Emacs - Visual Analytics - part 2

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