The Procedure Editor window provides a means of viewing, editing, compiling, comparing, and running procedures.
The editor includes the following functions and features:

  • SQL syntax highlighting
  • improved find feature (repeated find, up and down, etc.)
  • toggle the display of line numbering
  • a status bar that includes line number, line length, selected text length, etc.
  • a context-sensitive toolbar
  • tab to space conversion and vice versa
  • uppercase, lowercase, title case text conversion command
  • increase/decrease test indent command
  • bookmark support

Multiple editor windows can be opened at any one time, each processing a different procedure.
Comments are identified by a leading double dash (--) and displayed in green font in the window, the procedural code in black font.
The font is a fixed pitch font (by default) to make the indentation and alignment of code easier to view. The font, colors, and indent size can all be changed as required.

  • No labels