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Public Methods

ActiveSubModelReturns the active submodel, which is the submodel that is currently displayed in ER/Studio. RETURN DATATYPE: SubModel.
BoundAttachmentsGets all of the the BoundAttachments of this Model.
BoundSecurityPropertiesGets all of the BoundSecurityProperties of this Model.
BusinessDataObjectsReturns all of the BusinessDataObjects of this model.
DataMovementModelLinksReturns the DataMovementModelLinks collection, which contains all datamovement links that link this model to source/target models.
DB2390AuxTablesDB2 OS/390 only. Returns an object representing a collection of all auxiliary tables.
DB2DatabasesReturns the DB2Databases in this model.
DB2OS390AliasesReturns the DB2OS390Aliases of this model.
DB2OS390AuxTablesDB2 OS/390 only. Returns an object representing a collection of all auxiliary tables.
DB2OS390SynonymsReturns the DB2OS390Synonyms of this model.
DB2StoGroupsReturns the DB2StoGroups in this model.
DB2TablespacesReturns the DB2Tablespaces in this model.
DB2UDBAliasesReturns the DB2UDBAliases of this model.
DB2UDBBufferPoolsReturns the DB2UDBBufferPools associated with this Model.
DB2UDBMaterializedQueryTablesReturns the DB2UDBMaterializedQueryTables of this model.
DB2UDBNodeGroupsReturns the DB2 UDB NodeGroups associated with this Model.
DB2UDBSequencesReturns the DB2UDBSequences of this model.
DB2UDBTablespacesReturns the DB2UDBTablespaces associated with this Model.
DBRolesReturns an object representing a collection of all DBRoles in the model.
DBSchemasReturns an object representing a collection of all DBSchemas in the model.
DBUsersReturns an object representing a collection of all DBUsers in the model.
DDLGenerationObjectReturns an object which provides an interface for generating the DDL for the model.
DeleteNamingStandardsTemplateUnbind this Model from the naming standards template by deleting the naming standards template ID from the model.
EntitiesReturns an object representing a collection of all entities in the model.
FirebirdGeneratorsReturns the FirebirdGenerators of this model.
GetNamingStandardsTemplateReturns the naming standards template bound to the model or null, if none is bound to the model.
HTMLReportCreates an HTML report for the Model, and then saves it in the given WebDirectory. PARAMETERS: WebDirectory (String), UseUnixDelimiter (Boolean), IncludeModel (Boolean).
InterBaseGeneratorsReturns the InterBaseGenerators of this model.
LinesReturns an object representing a collection of all lines in the model.
NetezzaSynonymsReturns the NetezzaSynonyms of this model.
ObjectTypesReturns the ObjectTypes of this model.
OracleMaterializedViewsReturns the OracleMaterializedViews of this model.
OracleRollbackSegmentsReturns the OracleRollbackSegments of this model.
OracleSequencesReturns the OracleSequences of this model.
OracleSynonymsReturns the OracleSynonyms of this model.
OracleTablespacesReturns the OracleTablespaces associated with this Model.
PackagesReturns the Packages of this model.
PhysicalGenerationObjectReturns an object which provides an interface for generating the physical model for the logical model.
ProceduresReturns an object representing a collection of all stored procedures in the model.
RelationshipsReturns an object representing a collection of all relationships in the model.
RepoCheckOutStatusGet the Check Out status of this Model object. DATATYPE: StringObjects.
RepoVersionHistoryGet the Version History of this Model from the Repository server. Return the data in the StringObjects collection. DATATYPE: StringObjects.
ShapesReturns the Shapes of this model.
SQLServerSequencesReturns the SQLServerSequences of this model.
SQLServerSynonymsReturns the SQLServerSynonyms of this model.
SubModelsReturns an object representing a collection of all submodels in the model.
SubTypeClustersReturns an object representing a collection of all SubTypeClusters in the model.
UserCommentsReturns a collection of user comments associated with this model.
ViewRelationshipsReturns an object representing a collection of all view relationships in the model. RETURN DATATYPE: ViewRelationships.
ViewsReturns an object representing a collection of all views in the model.

Public Properties

BlobBlockSizeBlob block size used to estimate the size of a table row in the capacity planning dialog. DATATYPE: Integer.
BlobOverheadBlob storage overhead used to estimate the size of a table row in the capacity planning dialog. DATATYPE: Integer.
CaseHandling CaseHandling used in the Model. Valid values are: 0 = PreserveCase, 1 = LowerCase, 2 = UpperCase. DATATYPE: Integer.
CaseShiftCaseShift setting used in the Model Options. Valid values are: 0 = PreserveCase, 1 = LowerCase, 2 = UpperCase. DATATYPE: Integer.
DatabasePlatformDatabase platform type of the model. DATATYPE: String.
DatatypeDatatype default in the Model. DATATYPE: String.
DatatypeNotNullableDdefault Datatype Nullability used in the Model. Valid values are: 0 = Nullable and 1 = NotNullable. DATATYPE: Integer.
DatatypeScaleDefault Datatype Scale used in the Model. DATATYPE: Integer.
DatatypeWidthDefault Datatype Width used in the Model. DATATYPE: Integer.
DimensionalDetermines whether a model is Dimensional (true) or Relational (false). DATATYPE: Boolean.
DisablePostSQLDisablePostSQL boolean used in the Model Options. If true, then PostSQL is not generated. DATATYPE: Boolean.
DisablePreSQLDisablePreSQL boolean used in the Model Options. If true, then PreSQL is not generated. DATATYPE: Boolean.
GenAlternateKeyGenerate Alternate Key in the Model. DATATYPE: Boolean.
GenForeignKeyGenerate Foreign Key in the Model. DATATYPE: Boolean.

Generate Inversion Entry in the Model. DATATYPE: Boolean.

Generate the Primary Key with Cluster in Generate Physical Model. DATATYPE: Boolean.

Generate Primary Key in the Model. DATATYPE: Boolean.

GUID of the model as assigned by ER/Studio. Each model has a unique GUID. DATATYPE: String.

ID of the model as assigned by ER/Studio. Each model in a diagram has a unique ID. DATATYPE: Integer.

Index storage overhead used to estimate the size of an index in the capacity planning dialog. DATATYPE: Integer.

Determines whether the model is logical (true). DATATYPE: Boolean.

Generalized description of the database platform type of the model. DATATYPE: String.

Name of the model. DATATYPE: String.

Maximum Name Length used in the Model. Only Logical Models are changed by this property. DATATYPE: Integer.

NamePrefix used in Generating Physical Model. DATATYPE: String.

NameSynchronization scheme in the Model. Valid values are: 0 = Complete, 1 = Partial, 2 = None. DATATYPE: Integer.

ID of the NamingStandardsTemplate object bound to the model (if any). A user can bind a NamingStandardsTemplate to the model by assigning a particular NamingStandardsTemplateId to this property. DATATYPE: Integer.

Notation used in the Model. Valid values are: 0 = IDEF1X, 1 = IE, 2 = TRUE_IE, 3 = DASHED_IE. DATATYPE: Integer.

PostSQL string used in the Model Options. DATATYPE: String.

PreSQL string used in the Model Options. DATATYPE: String.

Default RoleName prefix used in the Model. DATATYPE: String.

Row storage overhead used to estimate the size of a table row in the capacity planning dialog. DATATYPE: Integer.

SpaceHandling used in the Model. Valid values are: 0 = PreserveSpaces, 1 = RemoveSpaces, 2 = UnderScoreSpaces. DATATYPE: Integer.

Statement delimiter of the model. DATATYPE: String.

Table storage overhead used to estimate the size of a table in the capacity planning dialog. DATATYPE: Integer.

See Also

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