The SQL Server Object Type tab of the New Event Filter wizard allows you to specify the type of SQL Server object affected by the filtered event. You can filter events that occur on specific audited databases and SQL Server instances.

Available actions

Select the object that is affected by this event

Allows you to specify the SQL Server object type that is affected by the event you want to filter. For example, you can filter out all DDL activity on a specific database. When the Collection Server processes an audited event associated with the specified object type, the filter is run to see whether the identified event matches the other filter criteria.

By default, the filter will apply your criteria against events on any audited SQL Server instance.

You can specify one or more objects:

Type of ObjectYou can specify …
SQL Server instance
  • Any instance
  • A specific instance by name
  • A specific database by name
  • Any database whose name matches a naming convention or phrase
Database object
  • A specific database object by name
  • Any database object whose name matches a naming convention or phrase

For example, you can specify the following objects:

      • Any database whose name contains the word test on the LABSERVER instance
      • The model database on any audited instance
      • The Salary table in the HR01 database hosted by the Chicago instance

Edit filter details

Allows you specify the word or phrase the filter should use to identify objects affected by the event you want to filter from your audit data.

The filter details pane also allows you to change your specified criteria at any time as you create your new filter. As you specify criteria using the New Event Filter wizard, the filter details grows to include these additional settings. To edit previously set criteria, click the corresponding setting.

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