Typical Storage screen for a PDW table:




Target Location

The target location that defines the path of the table. Select (local) for a local table or select the target schema if you are locating tables in different schemas.


The Force Target Usage setting in the Tools > Options > Storage > Target Usage removes the local target option from the drop-down list. Refer to Target Usage for details.


When upgrading from a RED version previous to and moving existing objects to a target location, all procedures that reference those objects need to be rebuilt. Any FROM clauses also need to be manually regenerated in order for the table references to be updated to the new [TABLEOWNER] form.


If the database type does not support moving tables, such as Oracle, Greenplum, Netezza, Teradata and PDW, all affected tables also need to be manually recreated after any storage changes.
Please note that changing the Storage for Dimension and Fact tables need to be handled very carefully, as artificial key relationships between Dimension and Fact could become out of sync.
Recreating Fact tables and large Dimension tables might take a considerable amount of time.

Database Type

The database type for a connection that is used for target Datawarehouse tables.


The schema where the table is located.

Create DDL Template

Optional. Specify the template to use when creating a new DDL procedure script. This option is only visible if a DDL template is available for this database type. Default value is None.




Index Based Storage

Allows setting of table data to be stored as either Clustered or Clustered Columnstore Index.

Index Type

Select the Index Type. Options are Clustered Columnstore Index or Clustered Index.

Distribution Method

Select the Data Distribution Method. Options are Hash and Random (Round-Robin)




Optional CREATE Clause

Database-specific-and-compliant DDL to append to the generated CREATE TABLE statement.


To set default create clause values for all new objects, go to the Tools > Options > Storage menu - Default Optional CREATE Clause.

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