Database monitoring is defined by selecting the Monitor > Database monitoring menu option from the Scheduler window, or from the stand-alone scheduler maintenance program.
When this menu option is selected, a check is made to ensure that the external monitor process is active. If the external process has not reported in the last 24 hours, the following message appears:

In such a case, the external monitoring process on the UNIX platform needs to be checked or started. Refer to the RED Install guide for instructions on how to maintain the external monitoring process.
The following window is displayed:

In this example, the database is being monitored between the hours of 9:00pm and 9:00am to cover processing for business days Monday through Friday. If the database is not available during these times, the host script called 'monitor_db_mail' is called and it is passed two positional parameters. The first parameter being "database not available" and the second being "dssadm". The parameters required are specific to the script being invoked.
In this example, we have defined two monitoring periods. The first is for 9:00pm until midnight and the second is from midnight to 9:00am. As a result, there are two sets of parameters defined for a database notification, one for the first period and one for the second period. In this case, both are the same.

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