UI Configurations allow the user to define the fields available on certain configurable UI's. 3D stores any data captured in these fields and treats it like any other object metadata, making it available to all automation aspects of the tool.

Configurable UI's

Connection Properties

Create extensible source connections by specifying custom fields for the Connection Properties page.

Connection properties UI configuration files should be structured in the following way:

  "uiConfigType": "ConnectionProperties",
  "uiConfigName": "Example configuration",
  "uiConfigDescription": "For demonstration purposes",
  "uiConfigFields": []

Load Table Properties

Extensible load table properties will be displayed on the load config tab of each load table. Assuming that a load table is source from a source table pointing to an extensible connection, the properties on the load config tab will be auto populated based on the browse script output produced during the discovery phase.

Load table property UI configuration files should be structured in the following way:

  "LoadTableProperties": {
    "whereScapeFieldVisibility": {
      "sourceTab": {
        "sourceFileOptions": true
  "uiConfigType": "LoadTableProperties",
  "uiConfigName": "Example configuration",
  "uiConfigDescription": "For demonstration purposes",
  "uiConfigFields": []

If the sourceFileOptions field is set to "true", then five additional fields will be displayed on the load config tab. These fields will be used to populate the standard fields available in WhereScape RED during the Export to RED process.

  • Source Directory

  • Source File Name

  • Source File Field Delimiter

  • Source File Record Terminator

  • Source File has Field Headings/Lables

Column Properties

Extensible column properties can be assigned to specific target locations. The configuration to apply to each target location is defined on the 'Target location descriptors' screen.

Column property UI configuration files should be structured in the following way:

  "uiConfigType": "ColumnProperties",
  "uiConfigName": "Example configuration",
  "uiConfigDescription": "For demonstration purposes",
  "uiConfigFields": []

  • No labels