WhereScape RED includes a standalone scheduler maintenance screen. This screen provides all the scheduler control functionality found in the main WhereScape RED utility, but with no access to the main metadata repository.

Scheduler maintenance logon

The logon screen differs in that the username and password do not have to be that of a valid metadata repository. This username/password combination can be any valid database user. There is an additional entry required being Meta database. This is the schema of the metadata repository that you wish to connect to in terms of scheduler maintenance.

For SQL Server the Meta database must be set to dbo.
For Oracle data warehouses the 'Meta database' owner must have made the following grants to the specified user before the scheduler maintenance utility can be used.

Scheduler maintenance grants

Repository access grants:

  • grant select on ws_meta to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_meta_tables to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_obj_type to dsssched;
  • grant select,insert on ws_user_adm to dsssched;
  • grant select,insert,update on ws_user_adm to dsssched;
  • grant select,alter on ws_wrk_job_dependency_seq to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_table_attributes to dsssched;

Object access (job create) grants:

  • grant select on ws_obj_object to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_obj_pro_map to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_obj_project to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_obj_group to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_pro_gro_map to dsssched;

Scheduler status grants:

  • grant select on ws_wrk_audit_log to dsssched;

Scheduler status, and job deletion grants:

  • grant select,delete on ws_wrk_error_log to dsssched;

Scheduler status, poll grants:

  • grant select,update on ws_wrk_scheduler to dsssched;

Job creation grants:

  • grant select,insert,update,delete on ws_wrk_dependency to dsssched;
  • grant select,insert,update,delete on ws_wrk_job_ctrl to dsssched;
  • grant select,alter on ws_job_seq to dsssched;
  • grant select,alter on ws_task_seq to dsssched;

Job maintenance grants:

  • grant select,insert,delete on ws_wrk_job_log to dsssched;
  • grant select,update,delete on ws_wrk_job_run to dsssched;
  • grant select,insert,update,delete on ws_wrk_dependency to dsssched;
  • grant select,insert,update,delete on ws_wrk_job_dependency to dsssched;
  • grant select,delete on ws_wrk_job_thread to dsssched;

Task maintenance grants:

  • grant select,insert,update,delete on ws_wrk_task_ctrl to dsssched;
  • grant select,update,delete on ws_wrk_task_run to dsssched;
  • grant select,insert,delete on ws_wrk_task_log to dsssched;
  • grant select,insert,update on dss_parameter to dsssched;

Right-click Used by option in parameters listing grants:

  • grant select on ws_pro_header to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_pro_line to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_scr_header to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_scr_line to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_load_tab to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_load_col to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_stage_tab to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_stage_col to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_dim_tab to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_dim_col to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_fact_tab to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_fact_col to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_agg_tab to dsssched;
  • grant select on ws_agg_col to dsssched;

A sample script to grant these privileges is shipped with WhereScape RED. This script is called 'grant_sched_access.sql' and can be found in the WhereScape program directory.
The scheduler maintenance utility does not require a WhereScape license key. The WhereScape RED software can be installed onto a PC, and use this utility without having to use the WhereScape Setup Administrator utility.

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