The properties screen for a template is shown below.

Name, Purpose and Author fields should be completed to provide background information on the template; these fields are purely informational.
Created and Last Update fields provide date information on the template.
The Target DB sets the type of database connections for this template. The template is only selectable for an operation if the Target DB field matches that of the object. Target DB is restricted, based on your license.

  • Common (applies to all databases)
  • Greenplum
  • Hive
  • Netezza
  • PDW
  • SQL Server
  • Tabular
  • Custom

Hive and Custom update procedure templates only support Block update procedures so you should create a block template for these.

The Type field specifies what the template can be used for in RED. This can be set to one of the following:

  • Alter
  • Block
  • DDL
  • Function
  • PowerShell Script
  • Procedure
  • Unix Script
  • Utility
  • Windows Script

Refer to Template Usage for more details.

Additional host script language types that can be applied to templates can be defined in RED via the Tools > Host Script Languages option.

The Type field setting of a template that is currently IN USE can be changed but is restricted to PowerShell and user-defined script types only.

 A message is displayed when the Type field is modified:

Clicking OK saves the change and a confirmation message is displayed:

The Edit Lock fields provide information if the template is currently locked for editing by another user.
Templates cannot be deleted or modified after the editor window has been opened unless the Edit Lock has been released. Edit Locks can be released by any user in the template Properties screen.

Properties Screen Banner

The banner message varies depending on the state of the template object.

  • <TEMPLATE NAME> - NO UPDATE: This template is READ ONLY
    indicates that this is a shipped master template that may not be changed.
  • <TEMPLATE NAME> - NO UPDATE: Checked out by <USER>
    indicates that the template has been checked out by a user and thus may not be edited until checked back in.
  • <TEMPLATE NAME> - NO UPDATE: Checked out by <USER>
    indicates that the template is in use by procedures and therefore cannot be altered.  The Type field is also locked. See notes above for exceptions.
  • No labels