This Wizard is launched when building a Stage table with Table Type of Data Vault Stage. It enables you to specify the source columns to be used in defining the Hub, Link, and Change hash key columns.

The generated Hash Keys are used to build the Hub, Link and Satellite objects in WhereScape RED. The detailed steps for using this Wizard are described in Creating Data Vault Stage Tables.

  1. Custom aliases for the dss_change_hash column can be defined in the Tools > Options > DSS Tables and Columns > DSS Columns to Include and Naming window. If custom DSS aliases are defined then the aliases are used for the column names that are added to the new Load tables. Refer to DSS Columns for details.
  2. The data type defined for the dss_change_hash column in Tools > Options > Data Vault window is applied when creating a satellite change hash key. Refer to Data Vault Hash Keys setting for details.
  3. Refer to Changing the Data Vault Hash Key Function in WhereScape RED and above, if you need to amend the Hash key function on the shipped WhereScape RED Data Vault Templates.

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