The SQL Compliance Manager Agent Trace Directory tab of the Add SQL Compliance Manager Agent Service wizard lets you specify which folder should be used for the SQL Compliance Manager Agent trace directory. The SQL Compliance Manager Agent stores SQL Server trace files in this directory until the files are sent to the Collection Server for processing. The specified folder must reside on a shared data disk for the specified virtual SQL Server. Ensure that you specify the same directory path for each node in the cluster hosting the virtual SQL Server.
You can specify an existing folder or a new folder that the Cluster Configuration Console creates for you. When the Cluster Configuration Console creates the trace directory, the directory is secured using ACL settings. Only local administrators have read and write access to the new folder. Ensure the SQL Compliance Manager Agent Service account has read and write privileges on that folder. The Cluster Configuration Console does not change the security settings on existing folders.
Specify the folder where the SQL Compliance Manager Agent should store SQL Server trace files, and then click Next.