The following fields below are available to define the location, name and definitions of the exported data file:
SQL Server File Attributes example screen



Export Type

Method of exporting data from the table. The available options are dependent on the Destination connection that can be specified via the Properties page.

Destination Connection

Destination to the file system to which data will be exported. The destination connection can be specified on the Properties screen.

Export File Definition



Export File Path

The full path (absolute path) of the folder/directory/ where the File is to be created on the Windows or UNIX/Linux system.

Export File Name

Name of the Export File to which the data will be exported. The variable $SEQUENCE$ can be used to provide a unique sequence number for the export file. Also, the data/file components YYYY, MM, HH, MI, SS can be used when enclosed with the $ character. For example, an export file name might be customer_$YYYYMMDD$.txt which would result in a file name like customer_20150520.txt.

Export Format

Routine-specific format to use to export the data.

Export File Delimiter

Character that separates the fields within each record of the Export File for Delimited formats. The delimiter identifies the end of which field. Common field delimiters are tab, comma, colon, semi-colon, pipe. To enter a special character, enter the uppercase string CHAR with the ASCII value in brackets (e.g. CHAR(9) ). This is only available if the Export Format is Delimited Text.

Optionally Enclosed by

Character that brackets text fields within each record of the Export File for Delimited formats. A common example is ". This is only available if the Export Format is Delimited Text.

Header Row

If a header line is required, choose business names or column names from this drop-down list. This option is not available in DB2.

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)



SSIS Row Count Log

When enabled, this option includes Row Count logging on SSIS exports.

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