WhereScape RED metadata can be restored from a prior backup. For SQL Server data warehouses, the restore must take place in a Windows environment either through the WhereScape RED tool or manually.

Restoring metadata

A backup of a metadata repository can be restored over the top of an existing repository. This action replaces the existing repository in its entirety. The restoration of repositories is covered in an earlier section, but its uses in the promotion of code are discussed here. This restore process does not affect any existing database tables or any compiled procedures, so it can be used as a means of updating a metadata repository, albeit by replacing that repository. It is often a good method to choose when first establishing a new repository. For example, if we have a development repository and want to create a production environment the steps may be:

  1. Backup the development repository.
  2. Create a new repository using the RED Setup Wizard.
  3. Log on to the newly created repository.
  4. Restore the backup of the development repository to the new repository.
  5. Modify any connections, set any default values, and alter any table sizes or extents.
  6. Create the tables.
  7. Compile all procedures.

Restore from RED

To restore the metadata from a backup use the menu item Backup>Restore the Metadata (PostgreSQL pg_dump) and follow the prompts.

Once the OK button is clicked, a new dialog box will appear asking for a selection of the export directory. Browse to the contents of the directory where the export is located. Once the export directory is selected, the import will begin. A dialog box will appear to show the results of the import

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