Throughout the day, your monitored SQL Server instances can go through a number of situations including triggered alerts requiring immediate attention. Some events result in multiple alerts, each needing you to keep a close eye on as a resolution is put into place. To help you monitor your SQL Server instances, SQL Diagnostic Manager provides a default Dashboard view that includes commonly-monitored metrics for the selected SQL Server instance.

You can improve the Dashboard view by customizing your view to include those panels most important to you. A customized Dashboard view can help you keep your monitored SQL Server instances from triggering alerts by providing you real-time coverage of crucial metrics.

You can view your current Dashboard view by making the appropriate changes, and then closing the Panel Gallery pane for a full view of your design. Click Panel Gallery to toggle the display of the Panel Gallery selection pane. You can also close the Panel Gallery by clicking the close icon in the upper right corner of the pane.

Identify which Dashboard panels you want to include

In the Panel Gallery, each panel includes a brief description and a link to access additional information about that panel. To view the description, click the panel for which you want to view details. SQL Diagnostic Manager also displays a sample graphic showing the kinds of charts and data available in the panel. Click More info in the description to access the help topic specifically for that panel.

Note that you can use the same panel more than once in your Dashboard design. Because some panels in the Panel Gallery provide drop-down selections for you to select metrics or other filters, you can use the same panel more than once in your Dashboard. This feature is handy when using panels such as the Databases panel because it allows you to have one Databases panel displaying a selected metric and another Databases panel displaying a different metric. You can so the same with the Disk panel to view the same metrics for different disks at the same time.

Manage your Dashboard view

  To change your current Dashboard view:

  1. Select the appropriate SQL Server instance from the Servers pane.
  2. Click Customize. Notice that you are now in the Dashboard tab. SQL Diagnostic Manager displays this tab when you use the Customize feature.
  3. If you want to change the number of panels to display in your view, click Select Layout, and then select the number of columns and rows.
  4. Using a drag-and-drop method, move the panels you want to include from the Panel Gallery to the location within the view where you want that panel to reside. You can place the same panel more than once in your view. This feature is important on panels that allow you to select different metrics, such as the Databases panel which offers different measurements per second.
  5. Click Close Designer once you select and move panels to where you want them to reside.
  6. On the confirmation message, click Yes to use this design again or apply it to additional SQL Server instances, or click No to use this design for only this session of the SQL Diagnostic Manager Management Console. For additional information about saving a dashboard design, see Save a dashboard design.


SQL  Diagnostic Manager identifies and resolves SQL Server performance problems before they happen. Learn more > >
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