The SQL Safe Agents tab allows you view all servers that host instances in your environment.

For each server you can see the following information:

  • Status - it displays the status of the SQL Safe Backup Agent which could be:
    • Error - SQL Safe cannot connect to the Backup Agent on the server.
    • Warning - SQL Safe connected to the SQL Safe Backup Agent but the Backup Agent is not the most current version or is not configured for the same management service.
    • Ok - the SQL Safe Backup Agent is available and configured correctly.
  • Computer name - the name of the computer where the SQL Safe Backup Agent is running.
  • Version - the version of the SQL Safe Backup Agent.
  • Management Server - the name of the management server that the SQL Safe Backup Agent is configured for.
  • Max Load - the maximum number of concurrent operations that can be executed by the SQL Safe Backup Agent.
  • Priority - displays the Windows thread priority at which the Backup Agent threads run.
  • Send Status - displays the frequency with which the agent is configured to communicate with the Management Server.
  • SQL Timeout - displays the SQL DMO timeout value, which determines how long the Backup Agent will wait for a response from SQL Server before timing out.
  • VDI Trans. Limit, bytes - displays the maximum size of a transfer block for the VDI operation.
  • VDI Buffers, bytes - displays the number of buffers used for the VDI operation.
  • VDI Block Size, bytes - displays the size of a VDI device block. All data transfers are integer multiples of this value.
  • VDI Timeout, seconds - displays the timeout for configuring the VDI.
  • Actions - allows to access the options for editing server properties, installing/upgrading SQL Safe Backup Agent, and Enabling/Disabling Instant Restore. 

How can you filter your information?

You can filter the information of the SQL Safe Agents tab to access your data quickly.

Filter your information by Backup Agent status, Computer name, Backup Agent version, Management Server the Backup Agent if configured for, Max Load range, Priority range, Send Status, VDI Trans.Limit byte range, VDI Buffers byte range, VDI Block Size byte range, and VDI Timeout range.     

You can save your filtering options by selecting your filters, typing a name in the Views field, and clicking Save View. To retrieve your saved filters, click Load and select your filter name.

When using filters take into account:

  • If you want to select filters first and apply the changes later, unselect the option Apply filter as it changes.
  • To remove filters, use the specific Remove Filter option in each filter. For example, if you want to remove your Instance filters, click Remove Status Filter under the same filter section.
  • Under FILTERED BY on the top section of your SQL Safe Agents tab, you can see the filters you have selected. Click the X icon next to the ones you want to remove.
  • Use the option Clear on the top section of the Filtering section to remove all filters. 

What other options are available on the  SQL Safe Agents tab?

You can also find the following options in the upper section of the SQL Safe Agents tab:

  • Refresh - use this option to get the latest status of your SQL Safe Agents.
  • Export - use this option to export the information displayed on the SQL Safe Agents tab. You can select your preferred format: PDF, XLS, or XLM. 

What options do can you edit in the properties window?

When you select one SQL Safe Backup Agent, you can access its properties. Administrators and users are able to change the following properties:

  • Management Server - you can change the name with which SQL Safe displays your server.
  • Send Status every X seconds - select this option to have your server status sent after the number of seconds you specify. 
  • Max Load - define the number of jobs that SQL Safe will use as the maximum load for the server. 
  • Priority - use this option to define the thread priority at which backup agent threads run.
  • Enable Debug Mode - Select this option and go to Advanced Settings to define the following options: More detailed messages, Backup Service Engine, Backup Service I/O, Map Generation, Filter Service Engine, and Filter Service Driver. Additionally, you can set Log Files options and define if you want to roll logs, how often, and at what size. 

SQL Safe is a high-performance backup and recovery solution for your SQL Servers. Learn more > >

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